Barry Parish Church

23rd January 2020

Getty Music: 'My Worth Is Not In What I Own'


My Worth and My Unworthiness...



Where do you find your worth? This world trains us to find value in all the riches it offers: wealth, power, pleasure, and popularity. It beckons us to soothe our feelings of unworthiness by filling ourselves up with more, more, more. It’s joy by acquisition. Value by gain. Worth by works.


The cross of Christ offers a different path. It reorients us. Here we remember that our worth flows from the God who made us in his image. He values us, the crown of creation, because we are his. And even though we have made ourselves unworthy of God in our sin, God himself pays the ultimate price to ransom us. He fixes our value at the cost of the life of his beloved Son. We see the cross and feel the depth of our unworthiness: how could we deserve such love? At the same time, we look at Christ who hung on that cross and marvel at the height of our wortha worth that is ours because he set his love on us. The worthy one emptied his life for the unworthy. Thus our joy comes by his sacrifice. Our value by his death. Our worth by his grace. He himself is all we need, our greatest treasure, the wellspring of our life. What else can we do but rejoice in such a great Redeemer?



One of our most meaningful moments of Sing 2019 was joining with our friend, Fernando Ortega, as he led over 10,000 people in singing "My Worth Is Not in What I Own (At the Cross)."

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