Barry Parish Church

6th June 2023

Pray For Scotland: A Rising Tide Of Prayer (2)



  • A Rising Tide of Prayer (2)
  • Give the Father's Love away on Father's Day


‘PRAYER:  The sinew that moves the muscle of God’ [summary of Charles Spurgeon quote]
“We must begin to believe that God, in the mystery of prayer, has entrusted us with a force that can move the Heavenly world, and can bring its power down to earth.”  Andrew Murray
“When God is preparing to do something great in the earth, He first sets His people a-praying”   [Matthew Henry]
Our last e-letter highlighted some of the prayer events taking place in Scotland and beyond, as an encouragement that God is active in our nation – that there is a rising tide of prayer in these days.
Very often we report on forthcoming events, but we often don’t  follow up with what happened.  So, hopefully as more encouragement for you and your church fellowship, here are some snapshots of past and present activities:
Back to Pentecost:  On Pentecost Sunday 28th May 18,034 people from 173 Churches and Groups took part in singing the ‘Revival’ song and praying the Lord’s prayer simultaneously across these British Isles.  That may seem a small proportion of our total population – but think of Gideon’s army, and what the Lord achieved with that number against a huge army of opposition!  There have been reports of divine encounters and people coming to faith as a result of that public worship and prayer.  To see some of the images sent in by those taking part, click here 
Glasgow churches Pentecost prayer:  In the 8 days before Pentecost, churches throughout the Glasgow region hosted 24/7 prayer.  A different church in the north, south, east and west of the city each day also hosted an evening of worship and prayer, culminating in over 300 joining together in a city-centre church on Pentecost evening to pray for a fresh move of God’s power and glory across the region and nation. 
United in prayer:  Three days later, on Wednesday evening 31 May, church leaders and members from Edinburgh, the Lothians and Fife joined online to pray for their region, the church and nation, with at one point around 250 screens taking part.

Pray that these gatherings, and others around the nation, will accelerate the growing hunger for prayer in our churches - that we will become desperate for a fresh move of God across Scotalnd!

Revive Scotland:  The Revive Scotland team have circulated this brief report on their first week of the current mission tour, in Kirriemuir:
We are thankful to our faithful God who answers our prayers:

  • we asked for the gospel to be preached - it was, in Brechin, Kirremuir, Forfar, and Alyth, and at all the events
  • we asked for people to come - they did, over 200 people at the family event
  • we asked for salvations - we saw 40+
  • we asked to see healings and breakthroughs - there were lots!
  • we asked for good weather and the wind to drop - it did and we got sun burned!

From 5 June Rob McArthur and the team are based in Livingston, taking the Gospel to this town and other parts of West Lothian, supported by a team from Atlanta, USA.  We have also just heard that on the final Sunday evening, 11 June, they will be joined by the Jesus Revolution Impact Team – 60 young adults and their leaders from 15 European nations - for what will be their only Scottish stop on a UK tour.  This visit was not known about when the dates for the Revive team were agreed – this is  God’s timing for West Lothian – and for Scotland!
Pray for Rob, the team and the local churches working together on this week’s outreach.  They are spending each morning in prayer and worship before going out on the streets or to the arranged events – everything is birthed and bathed in prayer.
All are welcome to join them at 6.30pm on Sunday 11th for the final gathering – a special celebration focussing on our youth - hosted by the Elim Church at Carmondean, Livingston.  Pray for the presence of God to fill that meeting hall and spill out to flood the community.
The nations come to Scotland:  For many years God has called intercessors world-wide not only to pray for Scotland where they are, but also to come here at their own expense to pray in specific locations or travel across this land crying out for a fresh move of God.  One such country is Brazil and recently yet another group from that nation travelled here to pray for us.
Coming to Scotland from the other side of the world, 50 South Koreans will start 72 hours of continuous prayer for revival in Scotland from 3pm on Tuesday 6 June.  Earlier that day they will be outside the Scottish Parliament, and from 3pm they will be based at the Tron Kirk, Moredun (6 Craigour Gardens, Edinburgh). 
They would love as many local folk as possible to join them at any time.  For more details email Meesum here
Give thanks to God for the obedience of this group to God’s call to come to Scotland.  Pray for a powerful time of encountering God over these 72 hours and for a release of His power, glory, holiness and righteousness not just in Edinburgh but throughout Scotland!
Prayer on Skye:  A Pray for Scotland contact has told us of a recent ladies prayer conference on Skye with around 40 attending, including from Lewis.  They ended with a hunger for more prayer in their local churches
Pray that God will use these praying ladies to re-open the old ‘wells of revival’ in both Skye and Lewis!
And there is more to come, with news of prayer vans and prayer tents at events to be held around Scotland over the summer.  Prayer is on God’s heart long before it is on ours.  God is ‘orchestrating’ the rising tide of prayer because He is getting ready, and getting us ready, for something great!   
So, despite all the challenges, despite all the negatives we see and hear all around us, let us not lose heart.  There IS another side to the story!  There IS a shift taking place in the spiritual atmosphere as we continue to pray, as we persevere in prayer! 
The South Koreans start their intercession on the 79th anniversary of D-Day – the beginning of the last phase of WW2.  Could this be a very significant timing in God’s plans for the deliverance and salvation of Scotland?
If you know of a special prayer event coming up soon in your area, or of a regular group from different churches – whether this is of leaders or of members - in your area praying together regularly for revival in the church and nation, please do email us We would love to hear about it and encourage others on this mailing to pray with and for you.
Alistair Barton



A church in Prestwick has received 200 Father’s Love Letters to give away at their Father’s Day event on Saturday 17 June.
What a great idea!  Could you or your church give away the message of the Father’s Love to fathers in your community over that weekend?
If you email us with your postal address and the quantity you could use by Sunday 11 June we will get them to you in time for Father’s Day on 18 June. 





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