Barry Parish Church

26th May 2023

Tearfund Latest Prayer Points


This Sunday is Pentecost, when we spend time thinking about a day which must have been both terrifying and awesome to experience! Acts 2:2–4 describes the sound of a violent wind, tongues of fire resting on people, and a sudden ability to speak in the languages of many nations. People who had come from far and wide were amazed to hear the wonderful things that God had done being shared with them in words they could easily understand.

Jesus had promised his followers that, even though he would no longer be walking among them as he had been, he wasn’t leaving them alone, they would receive the Holy Spirit. (John 15:26)

As the Spirit came upon them, the mandate (and the equipping) to reach out to all nations, everywhere, with God’s love became clear – to reach people right where they are.

Thank you for your continued prayers as we reach out in God’s love to people facing extremely challenging circumstances all around the world. We pray that you will be blessed and that the power and presence of the Holy Spirit will be with you – now and always.

Pray with us


Sometimes the sheer scale of the needs we long to bring before God can become overwhelming and it can feel hard to find the words to express everything – even in our own language!

Romans 8:26 reminds us: ‘In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.’

As we approach our prayers for difficult situations around the world today, spend a few moments with us in being silent and allowing the Spirit to come and equip us to pray. Then, ask him to intercede for all the situations that we are lifting up in prayer.




Pray for the world




Global plastic treaty



Next week, negotiators will be meeting in Paris for the second round of talks on a UN global plastics treaty. Tearfund staff and activists will be there, raising awareness of the health impacts of plastic pollution for people living in poverty. Pray that, despite recent disappointing news about access to the meeting, the team will have opportunities to influence the delegations, and that those most affected by plastic pollution are kept at the heart of the talks.



Unity in Iraq



Pray for unity within the Church in Iraq, and that this unity would be an example of Christian love and provision – even in the most difficult of times.



Famine in Uganda



We continue to pray for the people of Uganda’s Karamoja region, where hundreds of people have died due to a famine. Many families in Karamoja face critical food insecurity resulting from two seasons of crop failure and erratic rainfall. Pray for Tearfund’s partners as they respond and for relief for those affected.


Prayer Diary: traumatised lives in Syria




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Tearfund - Charity No. 265464 (England and Wales) No. SC037624 (Scotland) | Tearfund 100 Church Road Teddington, England TW11 8QE United Kingdom  



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