Tearfund Latest Prayer Points
Dear Friend,
This week, our prayer requests from around the world include prayers for people facing the devastating hunger crisis in Ethiopia, as well as for those who have experienced terrifying violence in India which has caused them to flee their homes.
As we consider these situations and many others that meet us in the news and even in our own local contexts, there is so much to pray for! And where these situations are complex and it’s not always clear where to start, a solid foundation in how to pray is the way that Jesus taught us.
This week, we’re starting our prayers, very simply, with that. Join us in praying the Lord’s Prayer together and asking that God’s kingdom will come and that his will would be done in all of these places and situations that we are bringing before him in our hearts and minds.
We’ve also included a link for you here to a version in Swahili prepared by some of our staff in the East and Central Africa region. It has an English translation so you can pray along too.
Pray with us
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.
Ethiopia hunger crisis
Violence in Manipur
Violence in Northeast India has escalated, with 11 dead and 14 injured. Beginning in early May, tens of thousands fled their homes as villages were burned and dozens of people were killed. The internet was halted to contain the situation, leaving nearly 3 million disconnected. Our local partners have been providing aid relief supplies and trauma healing support for internally displaced people. Pray for safety and an end to the violence.
Elections in Sierra Leone: 24 June
Pray that the elections in Sierra Leone which are being held this Saturday (24 June) will be peaceful. The country is preparing for its fifth presidential elections since the end of a brutal civil war two decades ago. Sierra Leone has seen inflation rise to more than 43 per cent from a previous high of 41 per cent in March. Nearly 60 per cent of the country's population of 7 million are facing poverty, and it has one of the highest rates of youth unemployment in West Africa. Pray that the new government will not face the same economic challenges and the risk of social unrest.
Prayer Diary: valuing our resources
Each week, Tearfund's Prayer Diary will focus on a specific topic or country to help guide your prayers for global issues and people living in poverty.
Sunday 25 June - Saturday 1 July
In cities such as Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, plastic pollution is out of control. Unmanaged waste impacts people’s health, exacerbates flooding and threatens power supplies by blocking dams. This week, pray for the social enterprises we’re supporting which are cleaning up communities, restoring dignity and reducing waste.
To access the daily prayer points please click below.