Announcing The 2018 Global Hymn Sing Compilation Video!
On February 25, over 1 million believers in 77 countries joined to sing the missions hymn, "Jesus Shall Reign," as part of their worship gatherings to focus on deeper engagement in global missions to the unreached. This video, featuring the voices of dozens of churches, is but a small taste of the unity experienced globally on that day.
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Every Nation, Tribe, People, and Tongue
The Impact of a Globally Sung Gospel
Just imagine. The biblical, creative imagery from the book of Revelation is almost overwhelming, as it should be. After all, this is the Creator we’re talking about. His ultimate desire for all His people is nothing less than a radical, audacious impossibility—and yet, He will perfectly and beautifully accomplish His exact vision in a way that will surpass every expectation and imagination.
But take it one step further and imagine that all of these—every nation, tribe, people, and tongue—will also be singing together… the same song.
Just a few weeks ago, we experienced a glimpse of this as over a million believers around the world joined their voices together with ours to sing the same, unified song, "Jesus Shall Reign." Over the years, this hymn has encouraged and reminded Christ-followers to seek out in their own respective missions fields those who do not yet know the love of Christ. The truths of this song have also borne witness to those outside of faith that Jesus, who is the same today and forever, is the only worthy object of our worship.
When we sing truth, we connect deeply with the message of our particular song. But when we sing truth together, the transformational effects of the message deepen this connection in exponential ways as we connect both with the message, as well as with each other. This is by God’s design—a key aspect of His ultimate, divine vision for all His people.
- Keith Getty
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