Barry Parish Church

8th June 2023

Scripture Union Scotland News Update



Dear Friend,

Summer is almost with us and as we stand on the brink of SU Holidays, Missions, Magnitude and hundreds of children and young people having the opportunity to explore the Bible and respond to the singificance of Jesus, we need to pray! Please do advertise (and join us) at our Pray for Summer Events on Zoom on Thursday 22 June.

Dave Rickards is sadly moving on to fresh ministry, leaving SU Scotland in the middle of August. We are therefore seeking a Director of Local Ministries. Maybe your church has the right candidate!

There will be no Ambassador mailing in July. August will be here before we know it, with its Big Celebration and Back to School with God Sunday! 

Find out more below, and have a great summer.

Every blessing,

Elizabeth McDowall
Prayer and Church Partnerships Coordinator

E: (Tues, Wed, Fri)


Download this month's PPT Slides



We are in a spiritual battle, and our weapon is prayer. Please do consider joining us at our Pray for Summer Events evening to praise God for what he is already doing, and to pray into our summer programme!



ACTION: Please advertise our Pray for Summer Events evening to those you know have a heart to pray for SU Scotland ministry. To get the Zoom code people can book on our Events Page.




We are keen to advertise as widely as possible to fill the post of Director of Local Ministries, a key post overseeing our team of Regional Workers across Scotland. The post-holder will sit on our Senior Leadership Team and we are looking for someone with leadership experience in the field of education or who is knowledgeable about trends in youth/children.



ACTIONCan you please prayerfully consider if there is someone in your church who might be the ideal candidate?  The closing date is 4pm on Monday 12 June, so act now!




Right now we are looking ahead with excitement to a full summer programme, the culmination of which is the Big Celebration at Lendrick Muir. The Big Celebration brings together young and old to praise God for his Spirit at work this summer, and commit ourselves to the coming year. Do join us!


Mark the start of the new school year in August with a Back to School with God church service - everything you will need is provided.  Resources include an all-age service and accompanying PPT slides, plus craft and prayer activities for children. New this year, we are including discussion questions for use in a Bible class, youth group or midweek adult Bible study group. The theme is Be Strong and Brave, exploring Joshua 1:1-9.



ACTION: Churches are already registering for Back to School with God. If yours doesn't normally take part, let your minister or pastor know that resources are available. We want as many children and young people as possible to be supported in prayer at this key stage!




We're making some changes to our Privacy Policy, which outlines why we collect personal information and how we use it. It can be found on our website at These changes affect the information we collect and process, and how it is used to further our charitable objectives. 

We continue to be committed to protecting your privacy and maintain a variety of security measures to ensure the safety of your personal information. You don't need to take any further action, but if you do have any questions or would like to change your mailing preferences, please feel free to email us at


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