Barry Parish Church

29th June 2023

Parish News Round-Up From Around Scotland




Edenshead Parish Church in Fife celebrated a combined 96 years of service by elders Sandy and Peta Rennie on June 18.

Sandy became an elder in 1960 at the age of 26 and recalls wearing a tailcoat, striped trousers and a white shirt with white bowtie, to serve at Communion! Over the years he has supported five ministers, the first being Peta’s father the Rev Peter Cowan. He became Session Clerk in 1970 and served until 2007, later returning to the position until Strathmiglo united with Auchtermuchty to become Edenshead Parish Church.

Peta became an elder in 1990 and served as an Elder Trainer throughout the presbytery, and for many years she was Clerk to the Board.

These 96 years of commitment were marked during a service led by Interim Moderator Jane Barron. Peta and Sandy were given certificates of recognition and thanks, a celebration cake and bouquet of flowers.

Croftfoot Parish Church in Glasgow welcomed seven new members, plus one joining by transfer, on June 18. From left: Robbie Hamill, Stacey Duncan, Evelyn McKinnon, James Collins, Jim Thompson, Colin Stewart, Alan Tunstall and Sophie Marshall.

Livingston Old Parish Church welcomed six new members on June 25. From left: Oluwaseun and Eseoghene Omotayo, Karen Miller, Evelyn Johnston, Alison Adamson. Not pictured: Evelyn Hunter.

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