Barry Parish Church

18th May 2023

Parish News Round-Up




This celebration cake was made for the Border Kirk’s Coronation celebration by an asylum seeker from Iran.

The Carlisle congregation, who currently have around 40 asylum seekers with them, shared ‘Cakes for a King’ after their service on the Coronation weekend.

Port Glasgow New Church held an afternoon tea with some special royal guests (modelled by members of the Sunday Club).

Nancy Hannah, treasurer of Lochmaben Parish Church, presents Karen Armstrong with flowers and a cheque, and the grateful thanks of the congregation for her 30 years of loyal and dedicated service as cleaner of the church and hall.

The Parish of Traprain in East Lothian welcomed nine new members at a special service on Sunday April 30. The service also included the presentation of certificates to long serving elders and was followed by a well-attended Annual Stated Meeting. Speaking after the service the minister the Rev Douglas Hamilton said “It was an exciting morning, and so good to all be together. Different ages, different backgrounds but one body.”

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