Thy Kingdom Come Begins
Thy Kingdom Come, a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray for more people to come to know Jesus, begins today (Thursday 18 May).
Commencing on Ascension day, the period of prayer and reflection runs until Pentecost Sunday on 28 May.
Ascension Day commemorates the day Jesus ascended into Heaven, 40 days after the Resurrection. Pentecost is the day marked as the founding of the Church.
This year's focus is 'Living the Kingdom' and people are invited to go the extra mile and to practically 'love and serve thy neighbour' or those you are praying for.
Each of the 11 days has a different theme.
Sign-up to receive daily emails, as well as to find out about different events, on the Thy Kingdom Come website.
A prayer from Rev Dr Iain Greenshields, the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland:
Gracious God,
we are thankful You hear our concerns -
that You are deeply aware of the concerns of our hearts
If our concern is for the world and its people, Yours is deeper still,
Lord, teach us how to pray and what to pray for.
We think of our world, broken in so many places
Broken places, yet so many more besides.
For those working to bring peace, reconciliation, hope and healing
in all the broken places of our world,
strengthen them, we pray -
encourage them, fill them with hope and resilience.
We know that You love this world You have created -
forgive us for causing such damage and catastrophe to such a beautiful place.
Strengthen the resolve in those who are fighting for Earth's future and climate change .
You have asked us to pray for those who serve as leaders in our nation -
we pray for the UK Government at Westminster,
the Welsh Assembly and Stormont in Northern Ireland and the Scottish Government.
Grant wisdom, grace, love and vision to all who serve as our leaders.
We pray for all who serve in local government
and the burden they have to use what resources they are given to care for local society - may they be granted wisdom, grace, love and vision.
You, know the many who grieve through various forms of losses.
In their sorrow and loss, speak words of compassion and restoration,
either directly through Your Spirit or through human agency -
bring comfort especially to the dying.
Lord God, You have placed your Church strategically on earth
to be light and salt to the earth
and to bring the good news of our Lord Jesus, Crucified and Risen, to all people.
Strengthen our resolve, faith and confidence
to be Your Church and to speak powerfully in Your name.
And the earth shall be full of the glory of the Lord.