Barry Parish Church

17th May 2023

Clinical Director To Speak At Guild Annual Gathering




Professor Jason Leitch, the National Clinical Director of the Scottish Government, will be the special guest at this year’s Annual Gathering of the Church of Scotland Guild.

Professor Leitch, a familiar figure on Scottish screens during the covid-19 pandemic, will speak about his journey of faith and his charity work.

He will be joined at the Gathering by the Moderator of the General Assembly, the Rev Sally Foster-Fulton, who will share her vision for the year ahead. Musical entertainment will be provided by the Govan Songsters.

The Annual Gathering takes place in the Assembly Hall, Edinburgh on Saturday September 9, with a later start time of 11am.

There are also still tickets available for the Big Sing at the General Assembly, also in the Assembly Hall, on Tuesday May 23 at 7pm.

To book for either event, contact the Guild office on 0131 225 5722, 

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