1 Peter: Week 1 (Wednesday, September 9 2020)
(from www.insightforliving.org.uk)
The Heart of the Matter
Without a doubt, Peter is the best known among Jesus’s original band of disciples. Bold, brash, impetuous, impulsive Peter; quick to speak, strongly opinionated, well-meaning, and fiercely loyal . . . yet altogether human and given to emotional extremes. We cannot help but smile at him, especially as we see ourselves mirrored in his actions and words. Let’s get better acquainted with the man himself and the first letter he wrote. In doing so, we shall not only become more familiar with him; we will learn the overall theme of the letter he wrote to the Christians who were scattered and living as aliens in a hostile and hateful world.
Discovering the Way
1. Brief Sketch of Peter’s Life
Peter has a rich history recorded alongside Jesus in the Gospels. From his call to follow Christ and his role among the apostles to his devastating denial and eventual leadership in the church, Peter revealed a human face among the first followers of our Lord.
2. General Survey of Peter’s Letter
Whenever we approach a letter, it’s helpful to keep several questions in mind: who was Peter writing to? What’s the theme of Peter’s letter? And for what purpose did Peter pen this epistle?
Starting Your Journey
We can glean three lessons from Peter’s life. First, failure in the past does not nullify purpose in the future. Second, a broken heart is great preparation for healing fractured lives. And third, one letter of hope brings more encouragement than a thousand thoughts never expressed.