Barry Parish Church

8th November 2017

Job: Week 4 (Wednesday, November 8 2017)


Job 4, 5, 6 & 7


Chapter 4

Eliphaz’s first speech

v1 Then Eliphaz, who belonged to the people called Temanites, replied. He said:

v2 Job, I do not want to upset you. But I want to say something. And this is an important matter.

Chapter 4

Verses 1-2

Job’s words upset Eliphaz. And Job’s troubles also upset Eliphaz.

Eliphaz simply believed that a good person should have a good life. And Eliphaz thought that an evil person should have a terrible life.

So, when Eliphaz saw Job’s troubles, Eliphaz had no explanation. Eliphaz was sure that Job was a good man. But Job was suffering the troubles that an evil person deserves.

Eliphaz did not know that the devil caused Job’s troubles. And Eliphaz did not realise that God permitted the devil to test Job.

A good man should have hope

v3 Think about this point! You have taught many people. You have helped weak people. v4 By your words, you have saved people from great dangers. And you have encouraged weak people.

v5 But now, you yourself suffer many troubles. And you become weak. Troubles affect you. And your troubles upset you. v6 But you are a holy man. So, you should be confident. And you are a good man. So, you should have hope.

Verses 3-4

At first, Eliphaz believed that Job was a good man. (Later, Eliphaz would change his opinion (Job chapter 22).) Perhaps Eliphaz heard about Job’s good deeds (Job 29:11-17). Perhaps Job had even helped Eliphaz.

Verses 5-6

Job’s speech in Job chapter 3 was a very sad speech. And this speech upset Eliphaz. Eliphaz wanted Job to be happy. Christians are glad people, because we have good news (Philippians 4:4). But sometimes we cannot be happy (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; Mark 2:18-20). We need God’s help and comfort (James 1:13-15; Matthew 5:4).

Eliphaz was a patient man (Job 2:13). But he spoke too soon. Job needed Eliphaz’s sympathy. And Job needed Eliphaz’s friendship. Instead, Eliphaz told Job to be happy. And Eliphaz’s words seemed cruel to Job (Proverbs 25:20).

But Eliphaz’s advice in verse 6 was sensible. In chapter 3, Job hardly thought about God. Job was only thinking about himself. So, Job had no hope. Instead, Job wanted to die. Job could be confident because he was a holy man. And Job could have hope, because God cares for good people.

Eliphaz’s ideas about the fate of evil men

v7 Think about this! An innocent man does not suffer. A good man does not die. v8 I have seen that evil men suffer. In fact, they suffer from the troubles that they themselves cause. v9 So, God punishes them. God is angry. So, he kills them.

v10 These men are like old lions, without teeth. Such lions may roar. v11 But the lions will die, because they cannot attack other animals. And the young lions will wander away.

Verses 7-9

Eliphaz was partly right. God punishes evil people. And God protects good people. But Eliphaz’s thoughts were too simple.

Job was suffering. But Job was an innocent man. So, Eliphaz’s words could not help Job. Instead, Eliphaz’s words upset Job.

Many good people suffer now, on this earth. But they will not suffer in heaven (Revelation 21:14). Some evil people are successful on this earth. But nobody will be successful in hell. God knows everybody’s thoughts. God sees our secret plans. And God is a fair judge.

God does not always punish evil people immediately, because God is kind. God does not want anybody to suffer in hell. God sent Jesus to suffer the punishment for our evil deeds. And God will forgive us. So, we must confess our evil deeds to God. And we must trust God.

God does not always rescue good people immediately. Sometimes a good person will suffer, like Job. That person should be patient (James 5:11). Perhaps God is testing that person. Or perhaps God is teaching that person. God is like a father who teaches his children (Hebrews 12:5-11). Or perhaps that person’s troubles are the work of evil people (Matthew 5:11-12). God knows about all these things. God cares about us. And God is making us perfect (Job 23:10; 1 Corinthians 13:10-12).

Verses 10-11

Eliphaz argued that God punishes evil men. Eliphaz said that evil men are like angry lions. These lions seem terrible. But really, they are hopeless, because they have no teeth. So evil men seem terrible, but really, they are hopeless.

God did not agree with Eliphaz’s opinion about lions. In Job 38:39-40, God reminded the men that he created lions. And God provides food, even for lions. The lions do not need to search for food. The lions can wait in their home. God will provide their food.

God even cares about evil people. God provides rain, so that their crops will grow (Matthew 5:45). And God sent Jesus to die for evil people, so that God can forgive their evil deeds (Romans 5:8).

Eliphaz’s strange dream

v12 I heard a secret whisper. v13 And I saw a strange dream. It happened by night, when men sleep deeply. v14 I was so afraid! Even my bones were shaking!

v15 I saw a spirit. My hairs stood up. v16 The spirit stopped. But I could not recognise it. I saw its shape. And I heard its quiet voice.

v17 The spirit said, ‘Men are so weak! Nobody is better than God. Even strong men are not innocent. God, who made them, is their judge.

v18 God does not trust his servants. God even accuses his servants in heaven. v19 And men are much worse. The bodies of men are like mud huts. And their bodies belong in the earth. Men die like insects. v20 Men, like insects, die in a single day. Nobody notices their deaths. And they will not live again. v21 They fall, like a tent with no strings to hold it. And they die without wisdom.’

Verses 12-14

Eliphaz described a strange dream. This dream frightened him. We do not know whether the dream came from God. The dream taught an important lesson to Eliphaz. But the dream seems only partly correct. Many people have strange experiences. And these experiences may impress these people greatly. But such people should test their experiences (1 John 4:1). Such people must not believe everything. Some strange experiences come from God. Other experiences may come from our own minds. And some are from the devil.

Our experiences should teach us to love God. They should encourage us to trust the Bible. And they should teach the truth about Jesus (1 John 4:2-3).

Verses 15-16

The Bible describes good spirits and evil spirits.

Good spirits come from God. They teach us the truth about God. God sends them to help us. Good spirits are probably the same as angels (God’s servants in heaven).

Evil spirits come from the devil. They are also called demons. Like the devil, demons are enemies of God.

Perhaps Eliphaz did see a spirit. But perhaps he imagined it. Most dreams mean nothing.

Verse 17

This verse is correct. God is the judge of everyone. A person may be weak or strong. But everyone is guilty in God’s opinion. Everybody refuses to obey God’s law (Romans 3:23; Psalm 53:3; Proverbs 20:9; Isaiah 53:6; 1 John 1:8). But the good news is that God still loves us. God sent Jesus to die for us. We must confess our evil deeds to God. Then God will forgive us.

Verse 18

Eliphaz heard the words in verses 18-21. The spirit in his dream spoke these words. But this verse is wrong. God does trust his servants. God trusted Job in Job 1:8. And God was proud that Job still served him (Job 2:3).

Verse 19

See Genesis 2:7 and Genesis 3:19. God made man’s body from the soil. And the body returns to the soil when the man dies.

Verses 20-21

This is wrong. God knows when a man dies. And God cares about his people (Psalm 116:16). God even notices when a little bird dies (Matthew 10:29-31).

A dead man will live again. Death is not the end. The Bible teaches this lesson clearly. Everybody who trusts God will go to heaven. Heaven is a wonderful place (John 14:2-3; Revelation chapter 21). Jesus became alive again after his death. And we will also live again in heaven, always (1 Corinthians chapter 15).

But people who refuse to obey God will also live after their death. God will be their judge. Their fate will be terrible (Revelation 20:11-15). See Luke 16:19-31. This passage is important. Trust God now! The Bible teaches that you must invite God into your life now. Do not delay!


Chapter 5

Eliphaz continues his first speech

The end of an evil man who was successful

v1 If anyone will answer you, Job, then call! See whether a holy person will reply!

v2 An evil man dies because he is angry. But a stupid man dies because he is jealous.

v3 I have seen an evil man who was successful. But his troubles came suddenly. v4 His children are in danger. They are in court, and nobody will help them. v5 Hungry people eat that man’s harvest. They even take the crops that grow between the weeds. And other people claim that evil man’s wealth.

Chapter 5

Verse 1

Eliphaz heard when Job complained (in Job chapter 3). But Eliphaz thought that Job’s words achieved nothing. An angel (servant of God from heaven) would not help Job.

Eliphaz’s words were partly correct. God does not listen if we merely complain to him (Job 35:14-16). Nobody should complain about God (Job 34:29). God is good! God is fair! We must respect God.

But God’s servants will help a man (Job 33:23-24). In fact, the angels (God’s servants in heaven) are always helping Christians (Hebrews 1:14). Daily, the angels work to protect us (Psalm 91:11-12).

Verse 2

This is a clever verse.

An evil man is angry because he hates God. So, God punishes the evil man for his behaviour. This is why the evil man dies.

A stupid man might not hate God. This man does not really know about God. And this man has not learned to do the right things. But the stupid man is jealous of other people. So, he copies their evil behaviour. Then God punishes the stupid man for his evil behaviour. This is why the stupid man dies.

Verses 3-5

Eliphaz saw these events. So, Eliphaz thought, ‘God is punishing this man.’ And Eliphaz thought that this was fair. Eliphaz was sure that this evil man deserved these troubles.

Perhaps Eliphaz was right about this particular man. But perhaps Eliphaz was wrong. Some people, like Job, suffer although they are not evil. Even if the man was evil, God does not always punish evil men immediately.

Eliphaz thought that every evil person would suffer like this man. The idea was wrong. Some evil people are successful for their whole lives. But God will punish them when they die.

People cannot avoid troubles

v6 The soil does not cause our problems. The ground does not cause our troubles. v7 But, from his birth, a man will suffer troubles. He cannot choose to avoid trouble. A flame does not choose to burn upwards.

Verses 6-7

Here, Eliphaz linked his dream (Job 4:12-21) with his story (Job 5:1-5). If nobody is innocent, then everybody deserves troubles! So, Job could not be an innocent man. And Job deserved his troubles. Eliphaz thought his reply explained Job’s troubles. So Eliphaz felt ready to advise Job.

Eliphaz’s mistake was that his speech was too simple. He thought that God punishes every error immediately. So, Eliphaz thought that God was punishing Job for some evil deed.

But God is not cruel. God does not watch us so that he can punish us. God wants to forgive us. God loves us.

God is great

v8 So, I would ask God to help. v9 God does so many great things. We cannot count his wonderful deeds. v10 He sends the rain. He provides water for the fields. v11 He makes humble people important. And he protects people who are very sad. v12 He causes evil plans to fail, so that evil people cannot succeed. v13 He stops clever people who have evil schemes. And their plans fail. v14 They will think that the day has become the night. At midday, they will trip and fall like blind people.

v15 God saves poor people from death. And he protects them from the evil schemes of powerful people. v16 So, poor people have hope. And cruelty must end.

Verses 8-11

This is true. These words are wonderful words. Verse 11 is like James 4:10 and Luke 1:46-55.

Verses 12-14

These words are also true. But we can see Eliphaz’s mistake again. Eliphaz did not realise that some evil plans succeed. And Eliphaz thought that God would punish these evil people immediately.

Verses 15-16

God cares about poor people. Rich people might be cruel to poor people. But God defends poor people. And Christians should help poor people too (Proverbs 22:22-23; Galatians 2:10; Matthew 11:5).

Eliphaz’s advice to Job

v17 But a man should be glad when God shows to that man his errors. Job, do not hate the discipline that God is teaching to you.

v18 God causes you to suffer. But he will also cure you. v19 He will rescue you if you have 6 terrible troubles. You will even be safe if you have 7 terrible troubles.

v20 When other people are hungry, God will save you from death. And in a battle, God will protect you from the swords of your enemy. v21 People’s words will not hurt you. You will not be afraid when terrible things happen. v22 You will laugh when other people suffer loss or hunger. You will not be afraid of dangerous animals. v23 You will have good crops. And wild animals will not cause problems for you. v24 You will be safe in your home. You will not lose anything that you own.

v25 You will have many children. And your grandchildren will have so many children that you cannot count them. v26 You will die at a good age. So, you will have a successful life, which will end at the right time. You will be like ripe grain at harvest.

v27 We have checked this advice and it is right. So, Job, listen to this advice! Do the things that I advise you.

Verse 17

Eliphaz thought that God was teaching Job about Job’s errors. So, Eliphaz urged Job to learn discipline from God.

Sometimes we might have problems for this reason (Hebrews 12:5-11). But this was not the reason for Job’s troubles. Job was a good man (Job 1:8). Job suffered because the devil opposed him.

Verse 18

God did not cause Job to suffer. The devil caused these problems.

Verse 19

This verse is right. God cares for the people who trust him. He will rescue them, even if they suffer many terrible troubles (Psalm 40:1-3; Psalm 46:1-3; Proverbs 24:16).

Verses 20-24

Eliphaz promised many good things if Job would trust God. And Eliphaz was right. God cares about his people. See Deuteronomy 28:1-14. God promises us many wonderful things. But we may not receive all these things until we arrive in heaven (Revelation 21:1-5). In our lives on this earth, we may suffer many troubles (Mark 8:34-38). God will provide for us (Matthew 6:28-34). But we should not imagine that we must be wealthy to be successful (Luke 12:15; Proverbs 3:13-15; James 2:1-5).

Verse 25

This is like God’s promise to Abraham. See Genesis 12:2; Genesis 15:2-5; Hebrews 11:11-12.

Verse 26

A farmer must collect his grain at the right time. Then the grain will be useful and valuable. But grain is not useful if the farmer collects it too early.

Eliphaz wanted Job to live until he was old. Job would achieve many good things. And Job would have a large family. So Job would be like the harvest.

Eliphaz was not careful with his words in verses 25-26. Job was probably already an old man. And all Job’s children were dead (Job 1:19). Eliphaz wanted to encourage Job. But Eliphaz’s words could only upset Job. Before these troubles, Job had a good life. But now Job’s life was terrible.

Verse 27

Eliphaz thought that his advice was good. Job’s other friends agreed with Eliphaz. But Eliphaz’s advice was too simple. He made many mistakes. He upset Job.

So Job was very sad. He even wanted to die. And Job was sure that his friends could not help him.


Chapter 6

Job replies to Eliphaz’s first speech

Job is very sad

v1 But Job said:

v2 I am so sad. My sad feelings seem like a terrible weight. v3 And that weight feels heavier than all the sand at the seaside. So, forgive me if I spoke too soon.

v4 I feel as if God shot me with arrows. There is poison on the arrows. And the poison enters my spirit. God has caused me many troubles. v5 I do not complain without a reason. You do not hear an animal’s call (noise) when that animal has enough food. v6 But food does not help me. You can put salt on food that has no flavour. v7 But I cannot accept this food. It makes me sick.

Chapter 6

Verse 1

In chapter 3, Job described his feelings. His friends listened. But Eliphaz did not answer wisely. Eliphaz’s explanation in chapters 4-5 was too simple. So, Job spoke again.

Verses 2-3

A heavy weight is a great strain for the person who must carry it. And Job’s troubles were a terrible strain for Job. Job spoke because of this strain. And Job was not sure that his words were correct.

Verse 4

Job thought that God caused Job’s troubles. Job did not realise that the devil caused these troubles.

Verses 5-7

A farm animal might be noisy when it needs food. Such an animal is complaining because it is hungry. When Job spoke, he too made a noise. When he spoke, Job was complaining like the hungry animal. But Job was not hungry. He was ill. And if he ate food, he was sick.

Job prays to God

v8 So, I pray to God. And this is my prayer. v9 I pray that God will allow me to die. v10 If so, I would be glad, although my pain was great. I would be glad because I did not deny the words of God.

v11 I have no strength. So, I am hopeless. And I have no hopes for the future. v12 I am not strong, like metal or a stone. v13 I am unable to help myself, because I cannot succeed.

Verses 8-9

Job was weak. Both his body and his spirit were weak (see verse 12). Job felt as if he could not even control his own words (verse 3, verse 5). So, Job prayed a sad prayer. He prayed that he would die.

Verse 10

Job did not want to die because of his pain. He totally trusted God to do the right things (Job 1:21).

In fact, Job wanted to die because he was afraid about his own words. Job did not want to insult God (Job 2:9-10). Job could not control his words (verse 3, verse 5). But Job did not want to deny God’s words. So Job prayed that he would die. Job wanted to die so that he did not say an evil word about God. And then, Job would be glad. God is great. We should always respect God. We should be careful with our words (James 3:2-12).

Verses 11-13

Job explained that his body and his spirit were weak. Job used to be a great man, whom everybody respected (Job 1:3; Job 29:1-10; Job 29:21-25). He was a leader of his people. But now, Job needed help. And his friends were not helping him.

Job cannot trust his friends

v14 When a man has many troubles, his friends should support that man. They should even help a man who does not respect God.

v15 You are like brothers to me. But I cannot trust you. You are like streams that are dry in hot weather. v16 When ice and snow melt, these streams are full. v17 But when the weather is dry, these streams are empty. The weather is hot, and there is no water.

v18 People who trust these streams are in danger. People leave the roads to find the stream. These people wander. And they will die (because they cannot find any water). v19 Merchants travel from distant countries. They search for the water. v20 They are confident until they arrive at the stream. But they are sad when they cannot find any water.

v21 You are like those streams. You cannot help me. You have seen my troubles. But you are afraid.

v22 But I have not asked you to help me. I have not requested your money. v23 I have not asked you to rescue me from my enemy. And I have not asked you to save me from a cruel man.

v24 If you teach me, I will be quiet. Tell me, if I am wrong. v25 If your words are honest, then your words might upset me. But your speeches prove nothing. v26 Perhaps you just want to argue with me. You see that my situation is hopeless. So perhaps you think that my words mean nothing, like the sound of the wind. v27 You do not even care about a child who has no father. You prefer to play games than to help your friend.

v28 But now, be kind to me! Look at me! I do not lie to you. v29 Be fair! Think about these matters again. I am an innocent man. v30 My words are not wicked. I know the difference between right deeds and wrong deeds.

Verse 14

We ought to support someone who suffers (Galatians 6:2). We should help everyone who needs our help (Matthew 25:34-45). We should sympathise with them. But Job’s friends did not do this. These friends were close friends. Job thought that they were like brothers to him (verse 15). But Eliphaz’s words were too simple. His advice was wrong. In chapter 22, Eliphaz would accuse Job. So, Job could not trust his friends.

Verses 15-21

There are some streams that travellers can always trust. The water is always plentiful, even in the driest weather. When the travellers arrive at these streams, there is water for them. And there is water for their animals.

But there are other streams that travellers should not trust. These streams might seem good. During many months, such streams are full of water. But these streams are dangerous. In the driest weather, there is no water. Men might travel far to reach these streams. But the stream is dry. And the men will die, because they are too tired to travel further.

Job’s friends seemed like those dry streams. When Job’s life was good, his friends were good friends. But when Job had troubles, they could not help him. When Job needed their help (verse 13), they did not support him.

God is a closer friend than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). God will always support us in our troubles (Proverbs 18:10). God cares about us (1 Peter 5:7).

Verses 22-23

Job knew that his friends could not help him. His troubles were too great. His friends’ money could not help him. And they could not defend him. They were too late. Job’s trouble had already happened before they arrived.

Job was starting to realise that he needed God’s help. Only God could rescue him. But Job did not yet know that God was already helping him. In fact, Job thought that God was his enemy (verse 4).

Verses 24-27

Job thought that his friends were not sincere. Perhaps they wanted to argue. Perhaps they enjoyed their conversation. Perhaps they were playing games with their words.

But Job was not playing games. His troubles were great. Job’s friends could not feel Job’s pain. And they did not know the answers to Job’s troubles.

Verses 28-30

Job said that he was innocent. He did not pretend that he was perfect (Job 31:33). But Job was a genuine servant of God (Job 1:8). Job respected God. And he refused to do evil deeds. But Job’s friends did not believe this (Job chapter 22).


Chapter 7

Job continues his reply to Eliphaz

Job wants to die

v1 But in this world, men must work so hard. We are like the workers that other people employ for the day. v2 And I am like a slave who waits for the evening. Or, I am like a worker who must wait for his pay. v3 So, I have been sad for months. And I am miserable every night. v4 At night, I lie down. I think, ‘My nights are so long.’ Then, I wait until dawn. But my body is not still. v5 My body is painful. And my skin is sore.

Chapter 7

This is a very sad chapter. Often we do not realise when our friends are sad. Perhaps our friends are brave, so they do not want to upset us. Or perhaps they do not know how to explain their troubles. But God knows our friends’ worse feelings. And God cares about our friends when they suffer. So we too should care about them.

Verses 1-2

A worker waits to receive his wages for his day’s work. But Job thought that he would receive no reward for his good deeds.

A slave waits for the evening, when he can sleep. His master cannot control the slave by night. And sleep is the only reward that the slave receives for his day’s work. But Job could not sleep because he was too ill (verse 4).

Like the worker and the slave, Job waited. But Job was waiting to die. Job’s death was the only reward that Job expected. Then, at last, Job would not suffer.

Job did not yet realise that God would reward Job in heaven (Revelation 21). But God would soon teach this fact to Job (Job 19:25-27).

Verses 3-5

Job could not sleep by night, because of his pain. Instead, he waited for the dawn. This is very sad. But perhaps Job was starting to have some hope.

Daylight begins to shine at dawn. And light has a special meaning in the Book of Job. Job said that the grave would be dark (Job 10:21). Bildad said that a wicked man does not belong in the light (Job 18:18). Job said that some evil people love the darkness (Job 24:13-16). And God described how he creates the light each morning (Job 38:12-15).

So, in the book of Job, ‘light’ means good things. And ‘darkness’ means bad things.

In verse 4, Job said that he was waiting for the dawn. So, he waited for the light to shine. God created the light so that darkness will not last always (Job 38:13). And God created the morning so that the activities of evil men would end (Job 38:15).

Job’s sad prayer

v6 But my days are short. And they will soon end, because I will die soon. v7 God, remember my weakness! My life lasts only while I am able to breathe. I shall never be happy again. v8 You can see me now. But (when I die), you will not see me again. You will look for me. But you cannot find me then. v9 A cloud disappears; and a dead man does not live again. v10 He will never return to his house. The people who knew him will forget him.

Verses 6-7

Job was very ill. He did not know when he would breathe for the last time. But God controls our lives. Job would not die until the time that God chose (Job 2:6).

Verses 8-10

Job had many wrong ideas about death. He thought that a man was like a cloud. A cloud simply disappears. So, Job thought that a man could not live after his death. Job even thought that God could not see a dead man.

Later, Job realised that these ideas were wrong. In Job 14:7-9, Job thought about trees. Even if a tree seems dead, a tree can sometimes grow again. And in Job 19:26-27, Job realised that he would see God after his death. In Job 38:17, God explained that he knows every place. God knows where dead people belong.

Job complains because of his troubles

v11 These facts upset me; and I cannot remain silent. So, I shall speak. My spirit is angry. So, I will complain.

v12 Perhaps God must control the sea, so that it does not flood the land. Perhaps God must guard the great animals in the sea. But God, you do not need to control me.

v13 I think that I should sleep. Perhaps some rest will bring me relief. v14 But if I sleep, I see terrible dreams! So, I am afraid. v15 I would prefer to die. v16 I hate my life. I do not want to live always. God, let me be alone! My life means nothing.

Verse 11

Job thought that a dead man would not live again. But Job did not think that this was fair. Job loved God (Job 1:21). Job wanted to meet God (Job 13:22). Job wanted to be really wise (Job chapter 28). Job wanted to read God’s words (Job 31:35-36). Job wanted to be like a prince, who would meet God (Job 31:37).

Job did not think that these things could happen. He just wanted to die so that he would not insult God (Job 6:10). He did not think that dead people could be wise (Job 28:22).

Job did not realise that God would answer Job (Job 38:1). Job did not expect to see God (Job 42:5). These things happened during Job’s life. Heaven will be much better than this life (1 Corinthians 13:11-12).

Verse 12

Job was right. God controls the sea. See Job 38:8-11. And God controls great animals, like the crocodile (Job 3:8 and Job chapter 41).

Job thought that God was using these terrible troubles to control Job. But Job was wrong. God was not Job’s enemy. Job’s enemy was the devil, called Satan. Satan is like the crocodile. Satan is a strong enemy. And Satan is always trying to attack us.

Verse 13

Job could not sleep because of his pain – see verse 4.

Verse 14

Job was referring to Eliphaz’s dream. See Job 4:13-21. Eliphaz thought that this dream would help Job. But really, the dream only frightened Job. Job had enough troubles already! He did not want to think about Eliphaz’s terrible dream!

Verses 15-16

Job did not want to suffer always. So, he did not want to live always. He did not realise that nobody suffers in heaven – Revelation 21:4. He did not realise that heaven is like a wonderful party – Isaiah 55:1-3. Heaven is the home that God prepares for us – John 14:2.

But we should trust Jesus, so that we can go to heaven (John 14:6). This is why we should invite God into our lives.

Job asks why God watches him

v17 God, I do not see why a man is special to you. You watch that man. v18 You test him daily. In fact, you are always testing him. v19 I wish that you would look away from me. But you do not even leave me for a second. v20 If my actions were evil, they could not hurt you. You watch all men. So, I do not see why you chose me to suffer.

Surely, I do not cause trouble for you, like a workman’s heavy load.

v21 You could excuse my evil deeds. And you could forgive my errors. But soon I will die. You will look for me. But you will not find me when I am dead.

Verse 17

Job was special to God (Job 1:8). Job knew this. But Job did not know why. God watched Job because Job was God’s servant (Job 2:3). But Job supposed that God had become Job’s enemy. Job thought that God was attacking Job. So, Job was afraid of God.

Christians are special to God. God chose us to be his people (1 Peter 2:9). God is not our enemy. God is our friend (John 15:13-15).

Verse 18

God allows our troubles so that we will learn to trust God more (Hebrews 12:7-11). Later Job realised this (Job 23:10).

Verse 19

God watches us, because he cares about us. He is always helping us. If God did not watch us, we would die immediately. See Job 34:14-15. But Job wanted to die (verse 15).

Verse 20

God watches everybody. But Job was God’s servant. So, Job was special to God. Job supposed that God chose Job to be God’s enemy. But in fact, God was Job’s friend.

Verse 21

Job supposed that God would never excuse Job’s errors. Job thought that, perhaps, God was punishing Job for some evil deed. Job was a good man (Job 1:8). But nobody is perfect (Romans 3:23). However, God was not punishing Job. Job was suffering because Satan attacked Job (Job 2:7).

Job said that God could forgive Job’s evil deeds. And Job was right about this. In fact, God wants to forgive us (Isaiah 1:18). This is why Jesus died. Jesus died to suffer the punishment for our evil deeds (Romans 3:24-26). So we must invite God into our lives (John 1:12).

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