1 Peter: Week 17 (Wednesday 15th September 2021)
(from www.insightforliving.org.uk)
Chapter 5:12-14
The Heart Of The Matter
As we come to the final verses of this letter, let’s take a step back and look at the letter as a whole. Let’s remind ourselves of the things the apostle seemed most concerned that his readers understand. By looking one more time at the ancient reflections in Peter’s ink, we shall find relevant courage to press on through life’s difficult struggles.
Discovering The Way
1. Five General Observations
When we look at this letter from a distance, we see several broad-stroked observations that stand out in relief. First, Peter wrote the letter. Second, hurting people received the letter. Third, this letter came through Silas. Fourth, the letter concludes with a greeting from a woman. Fifth, the letter’s final command is one of intimate affection.
2. Three Major Messages
Peter focused his attention on three major messages: a living hope and how to claim it, the pilgrim life and how to live it, and the fiery trial and how to endure it.
Starting Your Journey
The letter of 1 Peter offers us four lasting lessons. First, when our faith is weak, joy strengthens us. Second, when our good is mistreated, endurance stabilizes us. Third, when our confidence is shaken, love supports us. And fourth, when our adversary attacks, resistance shields us.