Barry Parish Church

12th April 2023

Daniel: Week 1 (Wednesday 12th April 2023)






The Heart Of The Matter

We don’t need to be prophets or sons and daughters of prophets to realize that the world is turned upside down. The cliff-hanging posture of the world today—terrorism, rogue nations with nuclear designs, predictions of environmental catastrophe, governmental and business corruption—spells the end of our civilization as we know it. To make sense of it all we must first understand God’s plan for the future, outlined in the book of Daniel and related Scripture.


Discovering The Way

1. Some Introductory Matters

Looking at our world today leads us to three general conclusions.

2. God’s Overall Scheme (Selected Scriptures)

God’s plan for the future began in eternity past and continues through five distinct eras.

3. Daniel’s Specific Scope

How does the book of Daniel fit into God’s plan for the future? There are two things we must remember as we begin our study.


Starting Your Journey

The next great event on God’s prophetic calendar is the rapture of the church, and it could happen at any moment. Are you ready? Now is the moment to make sure. Place your faith in Jesus Christ who died to take away your sin and rose again to give you eternal life.

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