Barry Parish Church

19th May 2023

Latest News For Prayer


Friday 19 May


Orphans find a loving home 


Children displaced by tribal violence in Papua New Guinea (PNG) find refuge and hope at the MAF supported orphanage, Bible Faith Outreach (BFO).


Rosa Kepo is making a difference to young people’s lives in PNG’s Highlands as she lovingly provides a refuge for children displaced by community violence. 


When tribal fighting breaks out, families are often driven away from their lands, leaving them with nowhere else to go but towns like Mount Hagen, where

MAF PNG is based. Many children are left to wander the streets, unable to attend school or get enough to eat. 


Rosa, BFO’s Director, knows the situations these children face all too well. When she was a young child, Rosa was forced to flee from her own village with

her mother. Fortunately, they were taken in by a Danish missionary couple in Ialibu. 


Rosa explains, ‘They paid my school fee to go to PNG Bible Institute and, because they gave me hope, I thought that I could also give hope to these children

by teaching them the Word of God.’ 


Before starting the orphanage, Rosa worked as an administrator in MAF PNG’s flight operations department. 


Rosa and her husband opened their home up to the children and, after moving to a new location, started a school to help the youngsters learn to read and

write so they could eventually start attending public school. 


With dozens of children to look after – and limited resources – MAF staff started volunteering at the orphanage. 


Linda Andresen from Norway and Andrea Rominger from Switzerland both sit on the board of directors, with Andrea helping with the finances and administration

and Linda doing the shopping and ensuring that the children receive three nutritious meals a day. Nellicia Van Saane from Canada – another member of the

MAF family – visits three times a week to help with the teaching. 


It’s a huge encouragement for Rosa to still have such strong links with MAF. 


She says, ‘I enjoy seeing any MAF staff. I just love them like my own soul because they really help me with this work. Otherwise, I couldn’t do it.’



Please pray 



• That the children Rosa looks after will feel safe and secure, giving thanks that they are now well cared for.


• For tribal fighting to end so that families are no longer displaced, and children no longer witness community violence.


• That the Lord will bless Rosa, her husband, and the volunteers who care for the children. May they remain in good health and continue serving the youngsters

at Bible Faith Outreach so the orphanage can continue.

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