Day 9 Rooted - Presence: Global Prayer
'Finding Rest'
Meet Rev Victoria Fagg, Prayer Communications Leader at MAF UK.
Here she reflects on a time of ‘enforced rest’ that allowed her to reconsider what it means to be present with God.
Picture the scene. The school bell sounds and, as the heavy-laden students hurry down the corridor, the headteacher bellows, ‘Walk, don’t run!’
A few years ago, God spoke the same words to me. I saw a picture of me walking through a garden, amazed at the rainbow of colour exhibited in the flowers — the symphony of birdsong dancing around me as I let the fresh breeze of a summer’s day catch my breath.
God explained that, when we run through life, we miss the fragrance of the flowers around us. We tune out the song of His creation.
Like many of us, I didn’t pay heed to this wisdom. I continued to rush
through life from one task to another — finding my value in what I did and missing the truth of who I am as a child of God. That was until recently.
In May 2019, I had an accident. A fall down the stairs resulted in a
fractured leg and an enforced time of rest. I couldn’t walk, let alone run,
for nearly seven weeks. Healing was slow as I navigated a heavy black boot during the summer months.
The first couple of weeks passed in a haze of intolerable pain, frustration and painkillers. I couldn’t sleep properly, and I missed being in the MAF UK office. But I discovered a sense of stillness that I hadn't experienced before, together with the realisation that it is okay just to ‘be’...
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