Barry Parish Church

23rd February 2023

Tearfund Lent Devotional Day 2


Renewing our minds





‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.’ (Romans 12:2, NIV)


What is the pattern of this world?


It might not be possible to know exactly what Paul meant by this, but looking at the world around us, we can discern some of the ‘isms’ that shape it:


*    Cynicism. Believing that human nature is fundamentally selfish.

*    Consumerism. Believing that happiness is found in acquiring more things.

*    Capitalism. Believing that endless economic growth is possible, and should be relentlessly pursued.

*    Individualism. Believing that we should all be self-reliant responsible for our own lives alone.


This pattern of the world has led to great injustice, destruction and sorrow.


Let us renew our minds and believe the truth that all humans are made in God’s image. Let us believe in enough, that less is more, that simple is beautiful. And let us believe in each-otherness, in connection, and in community.


Loving God, form our lives into a more beautiful pattern. Renew our minds so that they are shaped by faith, hope and love. And help us all to bring heaven here. Amen.


Gideon Heugh

Gideon writes for Tearfund and is a poet and environmentalist

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