Barry Parish Church

1st April 2023

Tearfund Lent Devotional Day 39


A liberation prayer





‘This is a day to remember foreverthe day you left Egypt, the place of your slavery.’ (Exodus 13:3, NIV)


In Luke:4:18, quoting Isaiah, Jesus states an important part of his mission is to ‘set the oppressed free’. As you come to pray today, trust that Jesus wants to set you free from everything that holds you back. Find a quiet place to help you stay focused as you pray through these points.


Lord, I thank you for your love and mercy. I appreciate your grace over us that sustains me and keeps me in relationship with you.


Lord, just as you brought Israel out of slavery, I ask you to liberate me from every chain of the enemy that limits me and holds me down. I break them now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.


I pray that I will be totally liberated from disappointment and failure so I can fulfil my potential in you. I decree freedom, restoration and fruitfulness over my life as I seek to live for your glory. I pray these things in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Leona Bird

Leona works in Tearfund’s African and Caribbean Engagement Team

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