Tearfund Lent Devotional Day 25
A prayer for creation
‘God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.’ (Genesis 1:31, CJB)
For this devotion, I’m going to need you to find a tree. It could be one in a garden, a park, or outside your window at home or work. If possible, sit beneath or near one as you read this prayer.
Lord, how wonderful your creation is, the place we call home. May we be reminded each day to open ourselves to experience the beauty that is creation.
We thank you for the trees – as they are vital to all life. Trees are in the first page of Genesis and in the last page of Revelation. They are in the first Psalm and first page of the New Testament, and they mark the spot of many major events in the Bible.
Lord, help us protect your trees, and all creation, not just because they are part of your world, but because they hold together your land, which protects our neighbours from floods and landslides. Because they are a sign that life is near, and water, shelter, and sustenance is possible.
Lord, would we see a tree and be reminded of your goodness, faithfulness and provision, and would we remember our responsibility to care for creation. Amen.
Laura Young
Laura is an environmentalist and Tearfund Ambassador