Barry Parish Church

10th March 2023

Tearfund Lent Devotional Day 17


The meaning of church





‘They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.’ (Acts 2:42, NIV)


The global pandemic impacted individuals, communities and churches more than we ever could have imagined.


The benefit of online services has been felt across the globe, with many unchurched individuals attending from their own homes. It gave a safe space for people to explore faith, while also allowing those less mobile to connect.


But if we believe the church is a physical community that gathers around the person and work of Jesus, should we crave proximity again? Church doesn't have to be complicated, but it does require community. This is why Tearfund works through local churches: being at the heart of communities, they can easily become centres for transformation.


Is now the time for us to strive for deep community again? What if we took the positives of new online expressions, but pursued fellowship again?


Church isn’t a building. It isn’t a Sunday service. It’s a family sharing the highs and lows of life with Jesus together.


Lord, thank you that you love and model community. Thank you for how we could harness the online world for good during the pandemic. Help us to continue to pursue thriving fellowship. Amen.


Lois Franks

Lois is on the leadership team at Hope Church Rhondda, Wales

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