Barry Parish Church

26th October 2021

Church of Scotland Guild Weekly E-News


God's beautiful creation


In a few days’ time, people from all over the world will be arriving in Scotland for the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26); it's being called "a pivotal moment in the fight against climate change". This got me thinking about God's Creation.


In six days, God created this beautiful place we call earth. Do you think He knew that over 2,000 years later, people from all over the globe would be coming together to talk about saving His wonderful Creation? In Genesis we read that God made a man and put him into the Garden of Eden to tend to His Creation, so God wanted us to take care and nurture His land.


Then, in Genesis 6 we read that God was not happy with the way man was behaving, He was disappointed that He had created man, so He decided to wipe them all from His Creation, and also the animals, birds and fish. In fact, He decided to destroy His beautiful land. God sent a flood to cover the whole land; He wanted to destroy the evil in His land.


What do you think our dear Lord would think of global warming, ozone layers, climate change, and carbon footprint? As I am writing this, the sun is shining, the autumn colours are beautiful, and to me God’s Creation is wonderful.


I am a fan of Stuart Townend, the musician and composer of religious hymns and songs. He has written a beautiful hymn called 'Creation Sings':


Creation sings the Father’s song;

He calls the sun to wake the dawn,

And run the course of day,

Till evening comes in crimson rays.

His fingerprints in flakes of snow,

His breath upon this spinning globe,

He charts the eagle’s flight,

Commands the newborn baby’s cry.


Let all creation stand and sing.


Fill the earth with songs of worship,

Tell the wonders of Creation’s King.


My granddaughter was learning about the COP26 conference at school, and she asked her teacher why we couldn’t just ask God to remake the world? If only it was that easy. I know all these famous people from all corners of the globe are coming to Glasgow for 12 days, and I know they will all pledge to save our world from climate change. But at the moment we will just have to marvel at the beauty of God’s Creation.


Andrea Houston,

National Vice Convener


Life and Work have put together an excellent supplement that helps to explain these important issues and you can get a copy using the link below.


Download the Life and Work COP26 supplement <>







BBQ at St Molios


St Molios Guild held its annual barbeque in the church garden in Shiskine village on the Isle of Arran. Sixty-two people from church and community from two to 94 years old came together to share fellowship and food; a record number. This was their first large gathering since before the start of the pandemic and, for some, this occasion marked a reunion after 18 months of separation. There was lots of happy chatter and laughter.







Aberdeen Guilds Together


Aberdeen Guilds Together enjoyed their Autumn Rally which was held at St Fittick's Church recently. Rev Maggie Whyte from St Stephen's Church celebrated communion with the members and the convener, Beth Robertson, chaired the meeting. Project co-ordinator, Jane Dargie, gave an outline of the new Guild projects. The meeting closed with a welcome cuppa. They enjoyed being together again.









We are delighted that a number of Guilds have taken part in and made sections of two large banners on display at New College on the Mound in Edinburgh to show support for COP26. Mannofield Church in Aberdeen had already been involved in knitting prayer squares for the World Day of Prayer and have kept some for local use. As the design evolved following discussions over several weeks it was agreed that they would incorporate 19 prayer squares. This was a way of having more people contributing and brought together the work of the World Day of Prayer into their banner.






Banner project


Further south, the folks at Elderslie were thinking about how they could get their Guild and congregation involved in the COP26 banner. Remembering that the Sunday School had made a banner using fabric cutouts of their hands, they thought everyone would enjoy getting involved. They had a huge response. The slogan came from 'many hands make light work'. A very positive message.

COP26 gives our world leaders the chance to change the world and ensure climate justice for the poorest and most marginalised people of the world, and to safeguard the planet for future generations.








Monday Memories


We are on the very north coast of mainland Scotland this week with our friends at Pentland Parish Guild, featuring a youthful past National Convener Esme Duncan.







Creation Sings


As we look forward to COP26, we thought that this song from Stuart Townend would help us focus on the beauty of Creation, our duty to care for Creation, and the challenge we all have to ensure that meaningful changes are made. We are praying that our leaders will work together to ensure climate justice to protect the most vulnerable and leave our grandchildren and their children with a world that is able to survive and prosper.


Listen now <>







Sisters celebrate service to Guild


Congratulations to sisters Irene Walker and Margaret Dundas who have been recognised for their long service to the Guild at Cadder Parish Church. Irene has been a member for 50 years and Margaret for 40 years. A remarkable service to the Guild locally and nationally which is very much appreciated.







Harvest Field


Together with Faith in Older People and Christians on Ageing, we are holding a conference on Wednesday 17 November from 10am-1pm through Zoom entitled 'Harvest Field A celebration of the contribution of older people to our faith communities'.


This conference continues to build on the collaboration between Faith in Older People and the Guild that has convened an ecumenical group over the past few years. We are delighted to be working collaboratively with Christians on Ageing. The aim of the conference is to highlight different aspects of the contribution made by older people and the importance of embracing new possibilities with and by older people noticing how we change and develop as we age and how we express our needs. We will share examples of service and ideas. You can sign up using the link below.


Register here <>







Pray this week


Monday: remembering especially Associate Secretary, Karen Gillon, as she shares with the Guild at Cellardyke and asking that she will encourage them for the year ahead.

Tuesday: giving thanks for Guilds who celebrate special anniversaries this year, thinking especially of New Monkland Guild who celebrate their 90th birthday at a special event tonight.

Wednesday: thinking especially of all who work to end violence against women and praying especially for the work of the Integrity Group within the church, asking that they will be enabled to challenge and change attitudes on this important issue.

Thursday: giving thanks for the work of Alternativity and asking God to guide them as they meet to consider what materials they will offer this year to help us to focus on the Christ at the heart of the Christmas story.

Friday: remembering our friends in the Boys' Brigade and the Girls' Brigade and giving thanks for the important role that they play in developing and nurturing our young people.

Saturday: giving thanks for all who work within Communications in the church and remembering the important role that they play in sharing the Good News of the Gospel with people across Scotland.

Sunday: for all arriving in Glasgow in the coming week to discuss how best things can be changed to help achieve climate justice.





Contact us


Phone: 0131 225 5722 <tel:+013120225205722>

121 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4YN

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