October 21 Open Meeting: Summary Of Responses
Barry Parish Church (BPC) Open Meeting 21.10.21
Responses to Exploration Questions
- Thoughts/feelings and associations with BPC
Is Church of Scotland (Cofs) on board? Concern about effect of increasing use on church activities
Funding - costs could go over budget, need full funding before start, running costs (hire prices)
Timelines - realistic time-lines for project and sustainability of project development
More community groups is the way forward
Will people use the building? Other venues in town.
Sounds good!
- Cof S has advised us on bodies who can support a community consultation and funding sources for this type of project.
- Mission/faith activities will continue as at present, but may be affected on a temporary basis when works are being carried out.
- A timeline will be drawn up with the outcomes of the wishes and the support available.
- The Working Group members are aware of the need to work within the funding we can secure and will need to have obtained funding for the main works planned before we can start, at which time we will be better placed to draw up a timeline. The members are committed to the project, but we will need also need support from church building which can host some events now.
- We aim to keep the cost of hiring the Small Hall competitive and we review charges annually.
a) If you could change one thing about these proposals, what would it be?
List of key priorities
New toilets absolutely needed – adequate toilets male/female/access
Angus council approval needed?
- We will take advice about permissions needed and the order of works. We need to re-site the kitchen before we can upgrade the toilets.
- Would you like to see the church building as an open space for welcoming everyone?
Yes - if Covid friendly and sustainable
The church is open to all for faith and other activities
Like to see it as a local hub.
- Our plan is for the church building to be seen as a hub available to everyone for activities.
- Plans include the building being safer to use if circumstances require e.g. social distancing.
- What activities or support would you like to have available in this area?
Support group for mums and dads
Medical support
Variety of classes – sports, exercise, activity.
Wide range of intergenerational events to bring community together
Activities to engage young people
Dementia support group
Friendship Group
Carpet Bowls
Specialised support – help with alcohol and mental health issues
Support from the Community Team and other partners
- Quite a range!
- Our small hall is suitable to host some of these activities already, so anyone interested in setting up a group for any activity can contact us to discuss further.
- When did you last join a community group and what was it?/ activities you love to do.
Where a time since joining a group is given, it is tended mostly to be approx. 5 - 30 years.
Children’s activities e.g. Brownies, Toddler Groups
Barry Parish Church (BPC) Consultation
Physical - Golf, golf lessons, Walking, Yoga, Pilates, Tai chi, Curling, Bowls, Older Person Mobility, Gardening, Badminton.
Hobbies - Photography Club, Art Class, Library
Social Interests - Meeting friends, Rural Institute, Friendship Circle, Questers Group, The Ferry Club – snooker, table tennis, board games etc
Charity Shops Volunteering e.g. Cancer Research, Food is Free
Attend weekly Sunday church service and activities hosted in the church e.g. BPC Guild
Strathmore Community Trust
Exit Questions
- Are there any other points you would like to make/anything else you feel is important?
Parking Spaces limited at church
Please try again to sell church garden land to generate funds for this project
Great idea but we need a key strategy to identify how to raise funds.
We would engage the community and groups to make this possible to support and make sustainable.
Feasibility Study
All up for the change
Engage with community to assess interest.
Need feedback from schools, medical centre and other people in the community
- More parking spaces will make this venue more inviting and we will look at options for doing this.
- We are awaiting the outcome of a planning application on the Former West Hall site by a developer, but there has been objection from some residents. If the application is successful and we sell the land, funds will be available to contribute to the costs of this project.
- We need have evidence of need from the community for the alterations to go ahead.
- The main element of our Key Strategy is to apply for funding and we will also need to do some local fund raising, however this is more difficult when Covid 19 restrictions are still in place and people are wary of face-to-face activities.
- The Open Meeting held on 21st October 2021 in Barry Parish Church marked the first step of our Feasibility Study.
- Can you help with funding applications?
A working group has already been formed
Angus Council Funding Team and Funding Officer
Golf Club
Community Benefit Fund (SSE PROJECT)
VAA have Community reps who can support
- We will discuss further with potential funders.
Thank you for attending.
If you have any further queries, are able to help in any way or have any suggestions we would be happy to hear from you.
Please contact sessionclerk.barry@viginmedia.com