Barry Parish Church

3rd March 2023

Fairtrade Foundation: Meet The Farmers Growing Hope


Climate change and deeply unfair global trade threatens the future of crops like bananas, cocoa, coffee and tea. And the future of communities who depend on them to make a living.


But we still have hope. Because we know farmers like Albeiro “Foncho” Cantillo will not give up.




‘Today we can’t predict the weather the way our elders did…but thanks to Fairtrade, we have the tools to fight against climate change.’ Albeiro “Foncho” Cantillo, Fairtrade Banana Farmer, Colombia.


Sign up to the Big Fairtrade Get Togethers <>  to hear more about how Fairtrade powers climate action or watch our new Farming for the Future Fairtrade Fortnight films <> .


Farmers are the heart of our Fairtrade movement. As Fairtrade Fortnight continues, take the chance to hear from them directly.


Join the Big Fairtrade Get Together tomorrow <>  to hear from Therese Nyirangwabije and Vincent Nsengiyumva, Fairtrade coffee farmers from Rwanda.


sign up: big fairtrade get together  <>       


Can’t make it? We have several more Big Fairtrade Get Togethers next week too <> . You can also hear directly from Fairtrade farmers in two new Farming for the Future films <> .


 <>        <>       


 Watch our new films to hear from cocoa farmers in Ghana <>  and banana farmers in Colombia <>  on how they are using Fairtrade to take on the huge challenges of climate change.


Campaigners are sharing farmers' voices too


With over 600 Fairtrade Fortnight events happening all across the UK, campaigners are doing their bit to make sure farmers' voices are heard. Check out just seven of our favourite campaigner events from week one of Fairtrade Fortnight. <>




London based campaigners Owen Beith and Nana Asante kicking off Fairtrade Fortnight at Tower Hamlets Town Hall.


7 campaigner events  <>       


And finally... your chance to win Fairtrade treats!


To celebrate a week of spreading the word about the power of Fairtrade to build a more sustainable future for food, we're giving you a chance to win a selection of Fairtrade goodies from our Endangered Aisle stunt <> .


 A selection of Fairtrade goodies you can win by entering the Fairtrade Friday competition<>


You can enter our Fairtrade Friday competition on Facebook <> , Instagram <>  or Twitter <> .


enter on facebook <>       

enter on twitter <>       

enter on instagram <>       


Thanks for helping spread the word this Fairtrade Fortnight that choosing Fairtrade means choosing a fairer future for people, planet and our favourite foods.


Best wishes,




Campaigns Team, Fairtrade Foundation

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