Barry Parish Church

4th March 2022

Bible Society: Reasons To Believe In The Power Of The Bible


‘The verse that means the most to me is 2 Corinthians 12.9, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”.

‘I became a Christian in 1990 and initially had an amazing experience, but then fell under the influence of other Christians who went off from the church and became a massively controlling influence in my life. It became a micro-cult in the South-West of France and I lived there from 1994 to 2002. Over the years I became more and more withdrawn, controlled and isolated.

‘One day they were shouting at me for hours regarding something I can no longer remember. This was a common occurrence and could last for days. I am in the emergency services now and I know what it feels like to be at the end of your tether. At the time I had nothing, nothing left. I had the Bible open at this verse. When I read it, I felt completely and utterly strengthened. I was able to face the situation. When I came back to the UK, God restored me back to my family, friends and church.

‘It is a verse that has gone with me through 20 years of being tested in difficult circumstances. When I am at an incident, I feel that God is with me and with those people in their worst moments. I know I have met Him in those situations. Sometimes I have been able to be the person to give a kind word at the right time.

‘It has sustained me mentally in my job. In the emergency services you absorb everything you see. There are things that you can’t unsee. Those words are written on my heart. It is like a tattoo in my spirit – a tattoo from Jesus. It runs through me like a stick of rock. I know that I am loved, protected and that God is with me.’

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