Barry Parish Church

2nd July 2023

Be Still and Know - Think Of God As Your Friend




Proverbs 1:7


Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.”



These words are often described as the motto of the wisdom books of the Bible, because we not only find it repeated in the book of Proverbs (9:10 and 15:33) but also in Psalm 111:10 and Job 28:28. The person who seeks true knowledge and wisdom needs to recognise that it is not found through endless study but through a relationship with God. Indeed, book knowledge often leads to no wisdom at all but, instead, to pride and arrogance - which can be completely destructive. For the writer of the book of Proverbs, true knowledge and wisdom can only be found through discovering what it means to fear the Lord. This is a challenging expression and sounds rather frightening on the face of it. But what it means is that we need to understand the awesome greatness of God. We must acknowledge that he is all powerful and all knowing, and yet wants to draw us into a loving relationship. I was brought up to believe that the word ‘fear’ in this context means respect, but that’s too weak a word. As completely loving as God undoubtedly is, he is also a God of justice, who has a fierce hatred of all kinds of wrong. He is not to be messed with. I believe that it is absolutely right for us to look to God as a friend. Abraham was described as a friend of God (Isaiah 41:8). But if we choose to use that description of our relationship with God, we mustn’t confuse it with a description of our human friendships. God is the creator of the Universe, the author of life and the judge of all humankind. He knows us completely and loves us eternally. All of these things make him the best possible friend, but clearly not in the same way as an old school friend or our next- door neighbour. Our friendship with God is shaped by awe and worship, and will lead to us finding true knowledge and wisdom.



Do you find it helpful to think of God as your friend?



Lord God, I stand in awe of your greatness and power. I praise you that you are willing to be my friend as I live for you today. Amen

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