Barry Parish Church

27th June 2023

Be Still and Know - You Are So Important To God




Psalm 144:3-4


Lord, what are human beings that you should notice them, mere mortals that you should think about them? For they are like a breath of air; their days are like a passing shadow.”



Before I became a Christian, it seemed incredible to me that God, the creator of the universe, could be interested in human beings. And I certainly couldn’t grasp that he could have any interest in me. Surely he had far more important things to think about! But the Bible teaches us that God does indeed have time for us. This psalm recalls Psalm 8, when David looked into the night sky and, with amazement, reflected that God could be interested in mere human beings. Everything about human life is so fragile. Human beings are, says David, “like a breath of air” and our days “are like a passing shadow”. We stand in complete contrast to God, whom David describes as being his “rock” and his “tower of safety” (vv1-2). Everything about God is so strong and enduring that it is natural to assume that we, in our weakness and frailty, count for nothing. But God sees things very differently. Jesus made this point powerfully when he sent his disciples out on their first mission. He reminded them two sparrows cost just one copper coin. That is to say, they were almost worthless. And yet “not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it”. Jesus told the disciples not to be afraid because they were more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows (see Matthew 10:29-31). It can be tempting, when we look at the size of the universe, the number of people in the world or the enormous scale of global problems, to assume that we cannot be of any real significance. But we are. Amazing as it is, that is the good news: Jesus came into this world to save you and I. To quote the words that are often attributed to St Augustine: “If you had been the only person who had ever lived, Jesus would have died for you.” We may be only a breath of air, but we are important to God.



How do you respond to the fact that you are so important to God?



Loving God, I find it amazing that I am so important to you. Thank you for your love and the security that I have found in you. Amen

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