Barry Parish Church

22nd May 2022

Daily Reading: 22 May





Something to read

Observe the sabbath day and keep it holy, as the Lord your God commanded you.

- Deuteronomy 5:12 from full reading Deuteronomy 5:12-15 .

Something to think about

The definition of Sabbath is ‘to stop or to cease’. But the idea of Sabbath rest means more than just laying around the house. It is a designated time to spend with God, worshipping and giving thanks.

We live in a culture that tells us to keep as busy as we can. It subliminally promotes the idea and value that ‘the busier you are, the more important you look.’ Busyness isn’t always a good thing. We can be busy but not be productive.

So how in the world do we find the balance between the two? Well, that’s exactly it; we are in the world but do not belong to it (John 17:16). God does not force us to do anything. We have been given the gift of free will yet that also means we need to choose to do what is counter-cultural, in this case, to stop in the middle of the busyness and find time to worship God.

It’s about choosing to set some time aside in your week, even if it is only an hour, to be with God. God will refill our spirits so that we can then be even more effective in our busyness.

Sometimes less is more.

Something to do

At the end of this busy Christian Aid Week find some time to spend an intentional Sabbath with God. 

This means no work, no emails, no chores, no running errands. It’s spending time by yourself or with your family. It might be taking a walk and appreciating God’s creation, it might mean reading the Bible or journaling – whatever is your cup of tea. Just spend some intentional time with God.

Something to pray

This world seems to move faster and faster
And I’m trying to keep up.
But God, in the whirlwind,
Instead I get caught up.
Like an unbeatable force it pulls me in
But I know eventually I cannot win.
I must learn to rest in your perfect peace
And though good, let all endeavours cease.
Oh that my feet would mimic your pace.
So your joy would be set on my face.
Help me, Jesus, to slow down when you would.
Help me, Lord, to rest as I should.
Thank you for loving me just as I am;
Thank you that rest is part of your plan.

Prayer by Rachel Wojo

Today’s contributor is Kirsten Arding, Canadian missionary to the UK and Administrative Assistant to AOG GB Missions.

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