Be Still and Know - Always Give God First Place In Your Life
Ezekiel 14:6
“Therefore, tell the people of Israel, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Repent and turn away from your idols, and stop all your detestable sins.”
If you had visited Jerusalem in the days leading up to King Nebuchadnezzar’s attack on the city in 597 BC, you might not have thought their problems were all that great. The Temple was still functioning and, on the surface, nothing seemed to be going wrong. But it was a bit like picking up a juicy apple which looks perfect on the outside. Take one bite and you immediately realise that it’s a very different story on the inside. Jerusalem could put on a good show but, when the Lord shone his light on the situation, it was a complete mess. In their hearts, the people had firmly rejected God and given themselves over to idolatry. The problem with idols is that they push God out. They demand attention and devotion, making it impossible to give God his rightful place as first in our hearts. Unfortunately, the word ‘idolatry’ makes one immediately think of strange ancient statues. This is dangerous, as it can lead to us assuming that idols are no longer a problem these days. But nothing could be further from the truth. Idols are in plentiful supply and can take any form. Quite often, they will be things that are perfectly good in themselves. Friendships, family, sport, our career, homes or holidays are all excellent - and are part of God’s good gifts to us. But if they are allowed to become so important to us that they take God’s place, they become idols and need to be brought down to size. The prophecy which Ezekiel had to bring to the people was very bleak in many ways. He made it clear that God would judge his people for the ways in which they had behaved. They would be struck down by war and famine but, amid the harsh judgements, there was a glimmer of light. God longed for his people to acknowledge their sin and change. They needed to repent and turn back to God. Today idols are as attractive as ever but, because of God’s love and mercy, he still calls us to repent and to turn back to him.
Can you think of anything that could threaten to become an idol in your life?
Lord God, help me always to give you first place in my life. Amen