Thy Kingdom Come Prayer Journal
Day 3 - Speaks
‘At many moments in the past and by many means,
God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets;
but in our time, the final days, He has spoken to us
in the person of His Son.’
Hebrews 1:1-2 (NJB)
The opening words of the Letter to the
Hebrews are so clear. Yes, God speaks to
us constantly, but God’s definitive word to
us is Christ Jesus.
Our constant calling, then, is to set
ourselves close to Him, to enshrine Him in
our hearts. Our relationship to Him is the
foundation of our lives and the source of
our strength and hope. Without proximity
to Him our life of faith loses its heart.
During this Thy Kingdom Come season,
let’s renew this best relationship of all and
our sense of mission.
Here is one aspect of our mission: that in
every circumstance, whether at home or
school, at work or leisure, we strive to be
‘a bond of connection between persons’–
in the lovely phrase of St John Henry
Newman. Building for others a sense of
being accepted is a genuine first expression
of the life that Jesus brings. We put faith
into practice when we recognise and
respect the image of God in every person
we meet and strive, however simply, to
reach out to them. Can our actions echo
the truth of Jesus’ words: ‘Come to me
all you who are over-burdened, and I will
give you rest’ (Matthew 11.28)? Building
community, breaking down hostilities:
this is the work of our Blessed Lord, so
much needed in our troubled world.
Our mission is to be builders, day by day,
of this acceptance and unity.
Pause and pray
Take time to pray for your
five people. Pray that they
will know that they are
loved and accepted by God
and that He desires to speak
with them.
"Living The Kingdom" Action
How can you be a ‘bond
of connection between
persons’ wherever God has
placed you?