Barry Parish Church

20th March 2022

Be Still and Know - "Do What Is Right And Just"




  1. Proverbs 21.3 NLT

    'The Lord is more pleased when we do what is right and just than when we offer him sacrifices.'

    The offering of sacrifices lay right at the heart of Old Testament worship. Strange as it may seem to us, it was the way that God expected people to approach him so that their relationship with him could be put right. This led many people to conclude that all they needed to do was to fulfil their responsibility to offer sacrifices, and they could then act in whatever way they wanted. Time and again God had to remind his people that the mere offering of sacrifices and worship was not enough. They needed to live lives that were in line with God’s will. God was looking for them to act justly and fairly in their business relationships and with their neighbours, and if he didn’t see it, he wasn’t interested in receiving their sacrifices.

    In any age it is possible for our worship to be merely an act. Almost anyone can sing hymns and songs, and even raise their hands in worship. Merely participating in worship doesn’t reveal anything at all about our thinking and way of life. What God is looking for is people who live out their faith in the cut and thrust of everyday life. He wants to see us fighting for justice for the poor, the weak, the old and the vulnerable. In James’ letter he is supremely concerned about people living out their Christian faith in a practical and down to earth way. He wrote, “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” (James 1.27)

    I believe that God wants us to enjoy worshipping him and having fellowship with other Christians. But if our faith never leads to action then we have totally missed the point.

    Question: In what way is God calling you to fight for what is just and right?

    Prayer: Loving God, thank you for the privilege of worshipping. Please help me to ensure that my worship always leads to actions that will please you. Amen

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