Barry Parish Church

19th March 2022

Daily Reading: 19 March




Love your neighbour.

Something to read

If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing

- 1 Corinthians 13:3 from full reading 1 Corinthians 13:1-13.

Something to think about

One of the main characteristic of the modern era is the ease of communications around the globe. Despite this, it is ironic that there are large parts of the globe of which we remain unaware. These areas generally cover the developing world in which the international media has limited interest.

When the Apostle Paul speaks of love, is he not reflecting the words of our Saviour who told us that the Commandments can be summarised in love of God and love of neighbour? However, true love of neighbour can only begin when we discover who our neighbours are.

In autumn 2019 I joined a group from Christian Aid who visited the East African country of Burundi. It’s a country endeavouring to recover from conflict – involving thousands of deaths – between two main groups; a densely populated country where families of seven depend on an acre of land and a post-conflict country crying out for development.

Against the background of these difficult challenges Christian Aid, in liaison with local Christian churches and part-funded with aid from the Irish Government, is working with local partners. Their projects are focused on raising people from subsistence level, empowering women through developmental programmes and building peace in a tense political situation.

Truly exhibiting love of neighbour.

Something to pray

Father God,

As we recall the words of the prophet Micah to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God.

Let us seek out our neighbours in distant lands remembering that we are the daughters and sons of the one God.

Let us keep them in our hearts and by prayer and our support help to bring good news to the poor and proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.


Something to do

Listen to the most recent episode of the Walking Humbly podcast, or tell others about it if you've already listened and enjoyed it. 

Today's contribution is slightly adapted from an original contribution by the Rev Tony Murphy that was first used as part of the Christian Aid Ireland lent journey 2020. Tony is an Auxiliary Priest in the Diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross in the Church of Ireland.

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