Barry Parish Church

18th March 2022

Daily Reading: 18 March




See others.

Something to read

The eye cannot say to the hand, "I have no need of you", nor again the head to the feet, "I have no need of you." On the contrary, the members of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable.

- 1 Corinthians 12:21-22 from full reading 1 Corinthians 12:12-26.

Something to think about

My youngest daughter is a sassy six year old and she now likes to end any conversation about her behaviour by saying: 'Well that’s your opinion.'

My friend owns a coffee shop and he regularly gets frustrated with anonymous online reviews that are often opinion or views not necessarily based on facts or reality. We live in a culture of views and reviews and opinions and we are only too happy to share them!

This passage is likely to be familiar to many Christians, however, when I read it again recently, I was struck in particular by verses 22-24. I had never really noticed them before.

These verses talk about things that ‘seem to be weaker’ and ‘parts that we think are less honourable’. It seems that the culture that these words were written in and to, was also a culture of views and opinions.

You get the impression that some in ‘the body’ of the church were viewing other parts as weaker, less honourable and undesirable. In a sense, they saw a hierarchy of value and importance in the church and the author is speaking into this practice and turning it on its head.

To see other members of ‘the body’ as weaker or less honourable or even unpresentable is wrong. It is not right. It is unjust.

Elsewhere, the Apostle Paul teaches that there is no hierarchy, no difference, and no inequality but that we are ‘all one in Christ Jesus’ (Galatians 3:28).

These verses have challenged me that to act justly should include how I see and how I treat others who are alongside me in my local church.

Something to pray

Our Heavenly Father,

your desire is for us to love you and to love our neighbour.

Help us to see others in the body as you see them.

Help us to love one another.


Today's contribution was by Andrew Frame, an Associate Pastor at Kings Church Bangor. Andrew is married to Jude and has two daughters, Lucie (9), Niamh (6) and Macey the dog, at the time of writing.

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