Bible Society: Reasons To Believe In The Power Of The Bible
‘The verse from the Bible that ministers a lot to me is Lamentations 3.22. Jeremiah has been talking about what he’s gone through and then he says, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
‘I have a twin brother. In 2008 our sons were both about a year old. His son was taken seriously ill and eventually died. It was a terrible time. The moment his boy died, my son got sick. We drove between hospitals in the night. The hospitals did everything they could. He lived. It wasn’t because of anything that people had done. It was just God. It was the mercy of God. It was a really terrible time for our family. I had never seen my mum weep, but she wept.
‘God saw us through that. We have been able to come back from it. Even at the time, I knew that God was there. My friends were phoning to encourage me the whole time. But I was at my lowest ebb. I saw myself in these verses in Lamentations.
‘It is easy to focus on what you don’t have and what God hasn’t done, but you have to look back and see what he has done. If God had not showed up, what would have happened? We would have lost my son.’
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