Barry Parish Church

17th March 2022

Be Still and Know - "Don't Forget To Do Good And To Share With Those In Need"




  1. Hebrews 13.15-16 NLT

    'Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name. And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.'

    The letter to the Hebrews devotes a great deal of attention to the old sacrificial system, and celebrates the fact that in Christ it has completely come to an end. He sacrificed his life on the cross and made it unnecessary for any further sacrifices. However, the language of sacrifice is still important and the writer encourages his readers to continually offer up their sacrifices of praise through Jesus as a sign of their commitment to him. This reminds us of the language of the apostle Paul who frequently commanded his readers to give thanks continually. These New Testament writers thought of thanksgiving not as an occasional religious duty but as a joyful way of life.

    Living a life of thanksgiving is vital but there is another sacrifice that we are urged to make as well and that is doing good and sharing with those in need. There is something incredibly down-to-earth about Christian faith. It is never just a matter of having the right beliefs and singing lovely songs, important as both of those are, but a life of getting stuck into helping those around us. There is no doubt that giving such help is always sacrificial. It is always costly and demanding. But that is our privilege as we follow in the footsteps of the Lord who gave absolutely everything for us. I count it a privilege to see what this means in practice as I watch my Christian friends generously and unselfconsciously pouring out their lives on behalf of those around them. I thank God for their example and, like you I am sure, long to live such a life of thanksgiving and service.

    Question: In what ways are you able to do good and share with those in need at the moment?

    Prayer: Lord God, help me to live a life of continual thanksgiving and service. Amen

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