Barry Parish Church

13th May 2023

Daily Reading: 13 May




Something to read

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.

- John 14:27.

Something to think about

Where do you go to feel at peace? Do you step out into nature? Go on retreat or take some quiet time at home? Go to church?

Jesus brings his peace to us. This is not the peace of everything turning out exactly as we want, without any obstacles or troubles. It is, however, a deeper and more nourishing peace. It is the peace of being known and loved, of being cared for and held, of being forgiven and cherished, wherever we are and whatever we have done.

We all need places of peace. Finding these places of peace in our day to day lives can help us connect to the peace that Jesus brings. Sadly many people live in contexts where their chances to experience moments of peace are limited. Whether bombs are falling or the storms brought by climate change are raging, peace can seem far off.

Join us in prayer today that violence and disruption may turn to peace; that the peace of Christ may be known by all; that places of peace may be accessible to all.


Something to do

Go to a place that brings you peace. Or a light a candle and spend a moment thinking of that place.

Learn about Christian Aid's work on equipping communities to move from violence to peace by following the link below.



From Violence to Peace - Learn More

Something to pray

Jesus you give us peace.

May we know that peace in our minds, our hearts, our bodies, our souls.

May we share the peace you bring with others.

Help us to build a world without violence,

Without the destructive forces that shatter the peace of the powerless.

We pray for peacemakers everywhere and for all those who live in danger.

We ask you to give them strength, courage and hope.

We ask this in your holy name, Lord Jesus.


Today's contributor is Dr Frances Clemson, Christian Aid's Faith Communications and Just Scripture Specialist.

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