Daily Reading: 13 February
(from www.christianaid.org.uk)
The wonder of God's world
Something to read
‘Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands. They have mouths, but do not speak; eyes, but do not see. They have ears, but do not hear; noses, but do not smell. They have hands, but do not feel; feet, but do not walk; they make no sound in their throats. Those who make them are like them; so are all who trust in them.’
- Psalm 115:4-8, from full reading Psalm 115.
Something to think about
Whilst the psalmist is able to wonder and marvel at God’s beauty and steadfast love in Creation, he is also aware that some people are taken up by other worldly pleasures and pressures. He realises that being overtaken by our own selfishness and greed can make us metaphorically blind and deaf, unable to sense or feel or smell. When we are devoid of our senses, we become unable to see God at work in our lives and in our world.
Something to do
Go for a walk – even if it’s only to your front door, feel the air on your face, smell a flower, listen to the birds, look at the sky. Take a few deep breaths and feel your pulse. Tune in to God’s rhythm and harmony.
Then spend some time researching the steps you can take as an individual to cut your carbon emissions – and begin or continue your journey to a sustainable lifestyle.
Plan to listen to the Walking Humbly Podcast during Lent, launching on Ash Wednesday 2nd March. Find out more here.
Something to pray
Forgive us, Lord, that we often get overtaken by our self-importance, and rely on our own strength to live each day. Forgive us for losing sight of you at work in our lives, for taking each kind gesture or word for granted, for every meal we eat without giving thanks. Fill us with a sense of your beauty and renew our souls.
Today’s contributor is Anna Jane Evans, the former North Wales Regional Co-ordinator for Christian Aid. She is also a voluntary minister with the Presbyterian Church of Wales with pastoral care for a church in Penmaenmawr.