02 July 10.00am Joint Morning Worship - Barry 09 July 10.00am Joint Morning Worship – Barry 2.00pm Messy Church - Panbride 16 July 10.00am Joint Morning Worship - Barry 23 July 10.00am Joint Morning Worship – Carnoustie 27 July 2.00pm Guild Afternoon Tea 30 July 10.00am Joint Morning Worship - Carnoustie 06 August 10.00am Joint Morning Worship - Carnoustie 13 August 9.30am Morning Worship 15 August 7.00pm Barry Kirk Session Meeting 20 August 9.30am Morning Worship 27 August 9.30am Morning Worship 31 August 2.00pm Guild Afternoon Tea 03 September 9.30am Morning Worship including congregation vote 07 September 2.00pm Guild restarts 10 September 9.30am Morning Worship 17 September 9.30am Morning Worship 24 September 9.30am Morning Worship 28 September 2.00pm Guild Afternoon Tea
Summer Joint Services July 2nd, 9th & 16th Barry Church – 10am July 23rd, 30th, August 6th Carnoustie Church - 10am
Holiday Club – Diary of a Disciple – Carnoustie Baptist Church Tuesday 1st – Thursday 3rd August – 10.00am – 12.15pm |
Who’s who in Barry Parish Church?
Minister Rev Michael Goss 410194
Session Clerk Mrs Jan Scott 852884
Treasurer Mr Malcolm Sim 852564
FWO and Gift Aid Organiser Mr Malcolm Sim 852564
Roll Keeper Mrs Jan Scott 852884
OrganistSunday School Superintendent Rev Michael Goss 410194
Property Convenor Mr Edwin Hughes 550593
Mission Partner Correspondent Mr Graham Suttie
Church Officer
Flower Organiser Mrs Shirley Murison 410062
Child Protection Contact Evelyn Baker
Life and Work Organiser Mrs Rosemary Docherty
Newsletter Editor Mr Malcolm Sim 852564 malcolm.sim@talktalk.net
Guild Contact Mrs Shirley Murison 410062
Prayer Focus We offer these thoughts to add to your own prayers: 1. Kherson region – Pray for all affected by the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam and the resulting flooding of homes and farmland, as we continue to pray for a just peace for Ukraine and its peoples. 2. Church of Scotland – Remember all those involved in seeking the transformation of the Kirk following the reforms agreed at this year’s General Assembly. 3. Union Vote – Pray for the meetings of Office Bearers and Congregations as we prepare to vote on the proposed union of Barry, Carnoustie and Carnoustie: Panbride congregations at the end of August and start of September. Congregational Register Funerals “Jesus said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me shall not perish but have everlasting life.”
April 18 Mrs Isabel Buist 25 Mrs Molly Black *
PRAYER FOR UNITY Psalm 133 1:3 How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron’s head, down on the collar of his robe. It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion for there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life, forevermore. |
If anyone would like to put flowers into the church, please contact Shirley Murison. A calendar is at the front door.
Look forward in faith, Wee Seeds, Big Trees
All meetings start at 2pm. All are very welcome.
The new session will start on 7th September. Keep your eyes on details of our summer events.
The Famous Summer Afternoon Teas start again in July in the Church Hall. The list of dates are as follows:
Thursday 27 August 2.00pm Thursday 31 August 2.00pm Thursday 28 September 2.00pm Thursday 26 October 2.00pm
Tea Rota
2nd July – Rosemary Docherty, 9th July – Sally McKenzie 16th July – Shirley Murison, 13rd August – Rosemary Docherty 20th August – Sally McKenzie, 27th August – Alice Hughes 3rd Sept – Shirley Murison, 10th Sept – Rosemary Docherty 17th Sept – Sally McKenzie, 24th Sept – Alice Hughes 1st October – Shirley Murison, 8th October – Rosemary Docherty 15th October – Sally McKenzie, 22nd October – Alice Hughes 29th October – Shirley Murison |
Barry Church Website
"Declare His glory among the nations, His marvellous deeds among all peoples." Psalm 96: 3 (NIV)
To make sure you don't miss out on any breaking news from Barry Church visit our website www.barryparish.org.uk which is updated daily. Click on 'News' for reports and other information about all the latest happenings within the Church locally, nationally, and worldwide, and scroll through the 'Calendar' page for details of upcoming services, meetings, social events, fundraisers, etc. Choose 'Church Magazine' to view this newsletter online and among the site's other features is a daily Bible verse with an additional option of listening to a reading of the full chapter for that day. Praise God! Our website continues to prove a valuable means of outreach to the parish area and beyond. From January 1 to June 17 this year a total of 175,246 page views were registered. Have YOU joined our online community yet?
Midweek Focus Bible Study
At the time of writing, we are currently midway through an 18-week study series on the Old Testament book of Daniel and this will be followed in early autumn by a 20-week series on the New Testament book of 1st Timothy. A warm welcome awaits all interested in sharing in these times of midweek fellowship. Meetings are held on Wednesdays from 7 to 8.30 pm. Study notes for the current and previous series can be found on the Midweek Focus page of the church website. For further information, including venue details, contact Graham Suttie on 01241 852614 or email graham.suttie@btinternet.com
Church of Scotland Stamp Appeal 2023
The Stamp Appeal is an easy way for the congregation to get involved in the world mission work of the church. "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9 Firmly Planted: Agroforestry for Sustainability Firmly Planted is a community-based agroforestry initiative with the ambition of making a sustainable impact across Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. It is spearheaded by our partners in the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP), and built around the church's community structures. The initiative will resource individual groups to respond to the various challenges affecting Malawi today. Agroforestry presents an opportunity to address challenges of food insecurity, deforestation, climate change and youth unemployment. Tree nurseries create employment opportunities, fruit trees improve nutrition and wider tree planting helps mitigate the impact of the climate crisis, in turn improving agricultural productivity. Firmly Planted will provide community-based training tailored to the community's needs, ensuring woodlots are well maintained to have the greatest chance to thrive. The programme, through effective distribution, looks to attain large-scale tree planting of locally relevant woodlots – these could be linked to schools, churches, clinics and community groups. Having already established a pilot tree nursery, CCAP is looking to replicate this across the Synods by implementing Central Tree Nursery Hubs allowing each nursery to grow tree seedlings based on the needs of their communities. Our mission partner, Gary Brough, is one of the project coordinators and is looking for opportunities to grow the project. You can keep up to date with Gary's work on the Mission Partner page of the Church of Scotland website. The Guild is also involved in supporting this programme. This year stamp appeal proceeds will go towards establishing the tree nurseries. How to contribute You can give your stamps to Graham Suttie or leave them at the Church door. Thank you for all the used stamps received recently.
Financial Statement
Balance on 31 December 2022 £9,120.57 Income £12,914.77
Expenditure £11,011.22
Balance on 01 June 2023 £11,024.12
PRAYER FOR UNITY John 17 - Jesus Prays for All Believers20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. 24 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. 25 “Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26 I have made you[e] known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”
Coming Up Prayer Meetings Mondays 10 - 11 am in the Manse Mon 26th Jun 10 am-12 noon Carnoustie Coffee & Chat Tues 27th Jun 10 am Woodlands end of term in Carnoustie Sun 9th Jul 2 pm Messy Church (Panbride) Wed 12th Jul 10 am Carnoustie Union discussions Thur 13th Jul 7.30 pm Carnoustie Churches Youth Mission Thur 27th Jul 2 pm Barry Afternoon Teas Wed 9th Aug 7.30 pm Church Life & Worship Team Tues 15th Aug 7 pm Barry Kirk Session Wed 16th Aug 7.30 pm Misssion & Outreach Team Thur 31st Aug 2 pm Barry Afternoon Teas
Summer Joint Services
July 2nd, 9th, 16th Barry Church at 10 am July 23rd, 30th & August 6th Carnoustie Church at 10 am
Holiday Club – Diary of a Disciple
Tues 1st – Thurs 3rd August Carnoustie Baptist Church 10 am – 12.15 pm
Barry Parish Church: Hire or Let of Small Hall
Our Small Hall is available for hire or let now, for meetings and a range of group activities, with capacity for up to 20 adults at 1metre social distancing. Use of tables and chairs, single toilet and heating is included. Small Hall hire or let is £12/hour or part thereof. Kitchen hire is available at £2/hour or part thereof. Charges are reviewed annually. Users need to have in place a written Covid 19 Risk Assessment and adequate Insurance to cover the activities. For more details or to arrange a viewing, please contact Sessionclerk.barry@virginmedia.com or Jan Scott on 01241 852884
From the Minister’s Desk
‘Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.’ Ephesians 3: 20-21
Dear Friends, Another General Assembly has come and gone. This one has settled into the new hybrid pattern, with about one in four commissioners attending online while the rest gathered in the Assembly Hall in Edinburgh. It seemed to me that those in the Hall were better able to engage in the debate, but even so it was a full programme with few opportunities for challenge. A lot of concern was focussed on the Presbytery Mission Planning process, as across the country congregations were coming to terms with closing buildings and new partnerships with neighbouring congregations. A significant reminder was given of the need to include our ecumenical partners in planning for the mission of the church in our local communities. In our own communities we are heading towards some of these changes ourselves, and there’s more about the Union discussions further on in Contact. It makes for some uncertainty, as we wonder how all these things will work out. However, I have been encouraged with the way that our office-bearers have engaged with the process and discussions among all three of the congregations, and so I have high hopes for the way ahead. In the meantime, the witness and life of our congregations continues. We are looking forward to the joint summer services in Barry and Carnoustie once more; Messy Church and Holiday Club are also planned for the summer months. In all of these things we place our trust and confidence in the living God – so we must pray faithfully for all that lies ahead, seeking His will and purpose, vision for the way forward, and confidence that He will provide all that is needful according to His riches in glory.
Yours in the Grace and Peace of our risen Lord, Jesus Christ. Mike Goss |
Union Discussions
Conversations between office-bearers of Barry, Carnoustie and Carnoustie: Panbride have continued for some months now, and the Basis of Union and Basis of Team Ministry are being finalised. This will lead to a single Kirk Session to govern the Church throughout our communities, with regular Sunday worship in Carnoustie Church and Newton Church. The future of Barry Church is yet to be determined, and worship will continue there in the meantime. A Team Ministry of two is planned – currently to be Rev Mike Goss and Rev Annette Gordon, so there will not be immediate significant changes to our worship. The Office-bearers as a whole will be asked to vote on the Bases on: Monday 21st August: 7 pm – Barry; 7.30 pm – Carnoustie Wednesday 23rd August: 7.30 pm – Carnoustie: Panbride The congregations will have their say – members and adherents of all three congregations will be invited to vote on: Sunday 3rd September after morning worship More details will be sent out to homes towards the end of July / start of August, so keep an eye out for these coming through your letterboxes. Proxy votes or other forms of remote voting are not currently permitted for these meetings in the Church of Scotland – you must be in attendance on the day in order to vote.
Message from Rev Donna Hayes Moderator of the Presbytery of Perth
God’s Invitation
God made the world and all its creatures with people made in His image.
By breaking his laws people have broken contact with God and damaged God’s good world. This we see and sense in the world and in ourselves.
The Bible tells us the Good News that God still loves us and has shown this love uniquely in His Son, Jesus Christ. He lived among us and died on the cross to save us from our sin. But God raised Jesus from the dead!
In his love, this living Jesus invites us to turn from our sins and enter by faith into a restored relationship with God Who gives true life before and beyond death.
Then with the power of the Holy Spirit remaking us like Jesus we - with all Christians - worship God and enjoy his Friendship and are available for him to use in showing and sharing his love, justice and peace locally and globally until Jesus returns!
In Jesus’ name we gladly share with you God’s message for all people – “You matter to God” and invite you to accept his invitation.