Church Newsletter
02 October 9.30an Morning Worship 06 October 2.00pm Guild – RNLI (Sam Clow) 09 October 9.30am Morning Worship 14 October 7.00pm DEE UKES Concert in Church Hall 16 October 9.30am Morning Worship 17 October 7,30pm Mission & Outreach Team – Philip Hall 19 October 7.30pm Path of Renewal Meeting 23 October 9.30am The Lord’s Supper 26 October 2.00pm Midweek Service in Philip Hall 30 October 9.30am Morning Worship 03 November 2.00pm Guild – Recycling (Brenda Carcary) 06 November 9.30am Morning Worship 12 November 10.00am Coffee Morning in Carnoustie West End BC 13 November 10.00am REMEMBRANCE SERVICE 14 November 7.00pm Barry Kirk Session in Church Hall 20 November 9.30am Morning Worship 27 November 9.30am Morning Worship 01 December 2.00pm Guild – Wreath Making (Tracy Simpson)
Please note:
Minister on holiday Fri 28th October – Sun 6th November
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Who’s who in Barry Parish Church?
Minister Rev Michael Goss 410194
Session Clerk Mrs Jan Scott 852884
Treasurer Mr Malcolm Sim 852564
FWO and Gift Aid Organiser Mr Malcolm Sim 852564
Roll Keeper Mrs Jan Scott 852884
OrganistSunday School Superintendent Rev Michael Goss 410194
Property Convenor Mr Edwin Hughes 550593
Mission Partner Correspondent Mr Graham Suttie
Church Officer
Flower Organiser Mrs Shirley Murison 410062
Child Protection Contact Evelyn Baker
Life and Work Organiser Mrs Rosemary Docherty
Newsletter Editor Mr Malcolm Sim 852564
Guild Contact Mrs Shirley Murison 410062
Prayer Focus We offer these thoughts to add to your own prayers: 1. King Charles III – As we give thanks for the life and witness of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, we pray for our new monarch and for all the Royal Family in their grief and loss. 2. Warm Homes – As many face great difficulties caused by energy prices and the cost of living, ask the Lord to guide us in the support we might provide, as individuals, and as congregations working together. 3. Church Partnerships – Pray for the continued rebuilding of relationships with our neighbouring congregations of all the denominations in Barry and Carnoustie, and for our new relationships with Monifieth and its country linkage, that we might be encouraged in our worship and witness to the communities we serve.
Congregational Register Funerals “Jesus said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me shall not perish but have everlasting life.”
July 7 David Peters *
David Peters David Peters had joined St Stephen’s Church with his late wife Carolyn when they first moved to Carnoustie to run the Glencoe Hotel here, but, after the union with Carnoustie Old, he and Carolyn transferred their membership to Barry Parish Church. They both were ordained as Elders in the congregation, serving during the ministries of Walter Stewart, Wilma Cairns and myself, and gave significant service to the life and witness of the Church here. Carolyn’s death in 2015 was a sore blow to David, but he pressed on at home in Knowes Loan in spite of declining health, until latterly he moved into Braehill Lodge. An upright man with a particular sense of what was right and wrong, he could be a firm friend with many. David will be sorely missed. |
Unfortunately our twice-monthly Good Neighbours Drop-In Cafe remains closed at present, but in keeping with our support of Fairtrade we continue to offer the full range of Traidcraft products which have proved popular with cafe regulars over the years. Special offers currently available include: Divine Dark Chocolate 35g Bar 75p, or three for £2 Divine Milk Chocolate 35g Bar 75p, or three for £2 Breakfast Blend Teabags (80 bags) £2 Organic Orange Marmalade (340g) £2 Organic Strawberry Jam (340g) £2 Recycled Toilet Tissue (4 rolls) £2 Freeze Dried Coffee (100g) £3 To arrange purchases, contact 01241 852614 or email All proceeds from sales will go to church funds. The amount raised in 2021 was £845.75. Thank you for your support.
Knitting for Others
Due to the pandemic, Knitting For Others members are currently meeting in person just once a month to hand goods in. This is on the first Monday of each month from 2 to 2.30pm. Next dates will be June 6, July 4, August 1 and September 5. Meanwhile, if you need any wool, just come and collect it from 21 Barry Road. Thanks to a number of generous donations I have plenty in stock at present. Thank you again for knitting at home. I am sure the people in Malawi appreciate all your efforts. Pauline Suttie, telephone 07599 182418.
If anyone would like to put flowers into the church, please contact Shirley Murison. A calendar is at the front door.
Barry Church Website
"Declare His glory among the nations, His marvellous deeds among all peoples." Psalm 96: 3 (NIV)
To make sure you don't miss out on any breaking news from Barry Church visit our website which is updated daily. Click on 'News' for reports and other information about all the latest happenings within the Church locally, nationally and worldwide, and scroll through the 'Calendar' page for details of upcoming services, meetings, social events, fundraisers, etc. Choose 'Church Magazine' to view this newsletter online and among the site's other features is a daily Bible verse with an additional option of listening to a reading of the full chapter for that day. Praise God! Our website continues to prove a valuable means of outreach to the parish area and beyond. From January 1 to August 31 this year a total of 246,080 page views were registered. Have YOU joined our online community yet?
Midweek Focus Bible Study After completing our studies in 1 John, we have now embarked on a 26-week series on the Book of Ephesians. In Paul’s collected letters, he spent a great deal of time fighting off various troubles in the churches—false teaching, dissension, legalism, and immoral lifestyles. However, when he wrote to the church at Ephesus, he avoided all that. Instead, Paul offered a view of what Christ did for us and why. His letter provides us with a higher perspective—a new vision of our purpose and calling as the body of Christ and how we are to live it out. It blends some of the loftiest theology in Scripture with some of the most practical teaching. And it shows us the deeper reality of God’s all-encompassing rule and how our daily, seemingly mundane lives contribute to the accomplishment of His glorious plan. A warm welcome awaits all interested in sharing in these times of midweek fellowship. Meetings are held on Wednesdays from 7 to 8.30 pm. Study notes for the current series and all previous series can be found on the Midweek Focus page of the church website. For further information, including venue details, contact Graham Suttie on 01241 852614 or email
Sunday Teas Rota
Oct 02 – Alice Hughes, Oct 9th – Shirley Murison, Oct 16th – Rosemary Docherty, Oct 23rd – Sally McKenzie, Oct 30th – Alice Hughes, Nov 6th – Shirley Murison, Nov 13th – Rosemary Docherty, Nov 20th - Sally McKenzie, Nov 27th – Alice Hughes, Dec 4th – Shirley Murison |
Stamp Appeal 2022-23
This year's stamp appeal, run by the Church of Scotland Faith Impact Forum, will go to support the work of the church in Lebanon. In Lebanon, and in response to the financial collapse in the country, the pastors in Syria and Lebanon initiated a scheme in 2021 where they gave half of their salary to establish a relief programme as an expression of support to the neediest families around their congregations. The National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon employs more than 1,000 people including their pastors. The economic crisis in the country and the consequences of the huge explosion in Beirut have struck hard and the Synod is struggling to pay salaries for pastors which range between £100 to £150 per month. Some pastors have left their vocation to take other jobs as they are unable to provide for their families. Others are really struggling to make ends meet. Pastors are key people supporting the spiritual and institutional life and ministry of the Synod and deserve to be supported. The Stamp Appeal is a really easy way of raising money for a good cause. For more information visit the Church of Scotland website How to contribute You can give your stamps to Graham Suttie or leave them at the Church door. Thank you for all the used stamps received recently.
Guild News
Contact Person: Shirley Murison (01241 410062)
Unless otherwise stated all meetings start at 2.00pm.
Diary of events not to be missed
06 October RNLI with Sam Clow 03 November Recycling with Brenda Carcary 12 November Coffee Morning in Carnoustie West End Bowling Club 10am – 12noon Tickets £2.50. Donations welcome for cake & candy, books, and £1.00 parcels 01 December Wreath Making with Tracy Simpson 08 December Christmas Afternoon Tea 2pm in Church Hall 15 December Christmas Lunch in The Rookery
DEE UKES concert has been rescheduled for Friday 14th October at 7pm. Tickets are £5 (including refreshments) from Shirley Murison or you can pay at the door,
Financial Statement
Balance on 31 December 2021 £5,105.70 Income £18,281.27
Expenditure £17,510.82
Balance on 01 September 2022 £5,876.15
Many thanks to everyone who have managed to continue with their contributions during these strange times. Barry Parish Church and the Church of Scotland in general still have commitments to meet and every payment is valued.
Anyone who has not been able to return to church for whatever reason but would still like to contribute or have envelopes to be collected, please contact the treasurer, Malcolm Sim, who will arrange to collect (socially distanced of course).
Food Bank Since the start of the first lockdown, the Carnoustie Royal British Legion has been running a foodbank in our town, and it is helping to meet the urgent needs of many. Previously, donations were collected in Carnoustie Church for the Arbroath foodbank, but we now collect for the Legion foodbank here in Carnoustie. Members are asked to bring dry and tinned foods along with basic household essentials like soaps and toothbrushes and place them in the green tub at the back of the Church. No fresh or perishable foods should be left. Many thanks to all who continue to support this vital work, and particular thanks to members of the Carnoustie RBL for their organisation and distribution of food and other goods to folk in our community. Superdrug Blister Pack Recycling Thank you for your continued support for the above initiative. This raises much needed funds for Marie Curie. You may have family or neighbours who are taking medication and we are happy to take the blister packs and pass them on. |
Coming Up Prayer Meetings Mondays 10 - 11 am in Manse or via Zoom link Wed 21st Sep 7.30 pm Church Life & Worship Team Sun 25th Sep 9.30 am Harvest Thanksgiving in Barry Sun 25th Sep 11 am Harvest Thanksgiving in Carnoustie Wed 28th Sep 2 pm Midweek service in Philip Hall Thurs 29th Sep 2 pm Afternoon teas in Barry Church Hall Mon 3rd – Sun 9th Oct Minister’s Holiday Mon 17th Oct 7.30 pm Mission & Outreach Team in Philip Hall Wed 19th Oct 7.30 pm Path of Renewal meeting Sun 23rd Oct 11 am The Lord’s Supper in Carnoustie Fri 28th Oct – Sun 6th Nov Minister’s Holiday Sat 5th Nov 10 am Guild Coffee Morning – West End B C Mon 14th Nov 7.30 pm Barry Kirk Session
Barry Parish Church: Hire or Let of Small Hall
Our Small Hall is available for hire or let now, for meetings and a range of group activities, with capacity for up to 20 adults at 1metre social distancing. Use of tables and chairs, single toilet and heating is included. Small Hall hire or let is £12/hour or part thereof. Kitchen hire is available at £2/hour or part thereof. Charges are reviewed annually. Users need to have in place a written Covid 19 Risk Assessment and adequate Insurance to cover the activities. For more details or to arrange a viewing, please contact or Jan Scott on 01241 852884
From the Minister’s Desk Dear Friends, “ ‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go’.” Joshua 1:9 My letter this month – like so much of our lives – has had to be strongly revised. So much has changed since the heat of summer began to give way to the coolness and damp of autumn. Most of all, the death of her Majesty the Queen has impacted the nation and the world around, and many shared in our thankful remembrances in services in Barry and Carnoustie as elsewhere. A new reign has begun with the accession of King Charles III, and the acclamation of ‘God save the king!’ has rung out across the land. Our prayers continue for the King and his Queen Consort, whose grief we share. Other changes are fast coming in the life of the nation, with a new Prime Minister, Liz Truss, and her new cabinet installed just before the death of the Queen. The challenge of the climate crisis is ever with us, as are the fresh challenges of the cost of living in our times. So, too, we pray for governments and all in authority that we might be led in Godly ways. We are also beginning to enter a new stage in the life of our congregations as organisations and church life have begun to resume again. It had been a strange summer; many of us – including the Manse family – had finally succumbed to Covid, and others had caught it again, as the easing of restrictions have allowed the virus to circulate more freely than before. And yet the vaccination and booster programmes have meant that most of us only had a few days of feeling unwell – and perhaps the inconvenience of cancelled holidays or visits to family – rather than the more serious outcomes that predominated at the start of the pandemic. We know that still some suffer serious or long-term consequences.
Autumn There’s nothing as fine as an autumn day, With the smell in the air of fresh mown hay. Each tree is a wonder of beauty untold, Each leaf brushed with colour, a sight to behold. There’s a nip in the air – crisp, cool, and clear – To remind us that winter, soon will be here. But for now, we have autumn, the ‘Show Off’ of seasons! My favourite, by far, and these are the reasons
The Queen Philip came to me today, and said it was time to go.I looked at him and smiled, as I whispered that ‘I know’
I then turned and looked behind me, and seen I was asleep. All my family were around me, and I could hear them weep.
I gently touched each shoulder, with Philip by my side. Then I turned away and walked, with My Angel guide.
Philip held my hand, as he led the way, To a world where King’s and Queens, are Monarch’s every day.
I was given a crown to wear, or a Halo known by some, The difference is up here, they are worn by everyone.
I felt a sense of peace, my reign had seen it’s end., 70 years I had served my country, as the peoples friend.
Thank you for the years, for all your time & love, Now I am one of two again, in our palace up above.
May she rest in eternal peace.
Forward we go, into a new future; the Presbytery of Angus is nearer to finalising its Mission Plan, and our town is now set for some reorganisation. We will still have two Ministers as part of the plan, but the three Kirk Sessions will soon begin negotiations towards a union for the whole town. Panbride country church is to close, and Barry Church has an uncertain future as we seek to reshape its use for the wider mission of the Church in South Angus. Another part of this will be the discussions with Monifieth linked with Monikie Newbigging Murroes Tealing, as we seek to establish a shared way forward for ministry and mission to the South Angus communities we serve. Over the summer we were delighted to get the new web cameras and streaming service installed in Carnoustie Church. It is a complicated resource and there have been a few teething problems, but the end result is a much more professional output for the broadcast of our services. Our Guild Dedication service in Barry was postponed due to the death of the Queen, but we look forward to welcoming Guild members to a future service we hope to be held in October. Our Harvest Thanksgiving at the end of September will be led by Graeme McMeekin from Tearfund. We are not ‘back to normal’ – but we are moving forward. Challenge and change lie ahead of us, but the Lord is our strength and our guide. Yours in the Grace and Peace of our risen Lord, Jesus Christ. Mike Goss