Barry Parish Church

Autumn 2020

What's on in
Autumn 2020













06 September              9.30am             Morning Service                        Barry

                                    10.30am           Facebook Service Live

07 September              7.30pm             Mission & Outreach via Zoom

13 September              9.30am             Morning Service                        Carnoustie

                                    10.30am           Facebook Service Live

20 September              9.30am             Morning Service                        Barry

                                    10.30am           Facebook Service Live

27 September              9.30am             Harvest Service                         Carnoustie

                                    10.30am           Facebook Harvest Service Live

28 September              7.00pm             Barry Kirk Session via Zoom

04 October                   9.30am             Morning Service                         Barry

                                    10.30am           Internet Service

11 October                   9.30am             Morning Service                        Carnoustie

                                    10.30am           Internet Service

18 October                   9.30am             Morning Service                        Barry

                                    10.30am           Facebook Service Live

25 October                   9.30am             Communion Service                         Carnoustie

26 October                   7.30am             Carnoustie Kirk Session via Zoom

01 November               9.30am             Morning Service                        Barry

                                    10.30am           Facebook Service Live

08 November               Remembrance Service – To Be Arranged

15 November               9.30am             Morning Service                         Barry

                                    10.30am           Facebook Service Live

22 November               9.30am             Morning Service                        Carnoustie

                                    10.30am           Facebook Service Live

29 November               9.30am             Morning Service                        Barry

                                    10.30am           Facebook Service Live


The Minister is on holiday 4th – 16th October








Autumn 2020







Charity No: SC002545





Who’s who in Barry Parish Church?



Minister                                           Rev Michael Goss 410194


Session Clerk                                Mrs Jan Scott        852884


 Treasurer                                      Mr Malcolm Sim    852564


FWO and Gift Aid Organiser        Mr Malcolm Sim    852564                                                        


Roll Keeper                                    Mrs Jan Scott        852884


Organist                                         Mark Spalding


Sunday School Superintendent  Rev Michael Goss 410194


Property Convenor                       Mr Edwin Hughes 550593


Mission Partner Correspondent Mr Graham Suttie            


Church Officer                               Mr Iain Ogilvie


Flower Organiser                          Mrs Shirley Murison                                                         410062                    


Child Protection Contact              Evelyn Baker


Life and Work Organiser              Mrs Jan Scott        852884


Newsletter Editor                          Mr Malcolm Sim                852564



Guild Contact                               Mrs Shirley Murison      410062                                  



Prayer Focus

We offer these thoughts to add to your own prayers:

1. Fire and storm – Pray for all those who suffered in the Californian fires and the Caribbean storms, remembering those who died and asking for fresh hope for those who lost homes or livelihoods.

2. Locusts – On top of the Covid emergency, remember the East African nations blighted by locust swarms this summer.

3. General Assembly – Pray for the “Mini-Assembly” planned for 2nd and 3rd October as we gather to shape the life of the Church of Scotland for these times.

Congregational Register


“Jesus said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life.  Whoever believes in me shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

Mar         16     Mrs Helen Dewar       *

Helen’s funeral was omitted from the previous newsletter in error.  She was a faithful member of Barry in the eight years since she moved here from Girvan and is fondly remembered.


Financial Statement


Balance at 31 December 2019                                       £3,345.90

Income                                                                        £17,432.32


Expenditure                                                                 £19,044.18

Balance  at 1 September 2020                                       £1,734.04


Name the Town Quiz



Common the Wombles tidied



Build up the fire



New town with concrete cows



Famous for its steel



Footwear for rainy weather



League or Union



Famous bomber



Of tea party fame



You need it to breathe



Heart of a candle



Painted the blue boy



Gracie Fields birthplace



Hero in jane Eyre



Mint cake



Most easterly town in England



Cook superbly



No secondhand goods here



Created a rock



Not a woman’s meadow



Recently built pier



Sheepish way through



Dark paddling spot



Place for cattle to cross



She is better now



Replacement for Noah’s boat



Needed to unlock a hill



Almost a gallop to the grave



More than distant 3



Name of a man or a woman



He looks after the salmon



Hot wheels



Lately of the buccal cavity



No showers here



Sounds like dog controllers



Do lorry drivers come here for chocolate



Exploding sausage



Creepy ………….



Library exercise



Famous for its pattern






Lorraine Chase’s airport



She leaves



Water holes



Rodents den



Into the sunset on the best horse








Barry Church Website


"Declare His glory among the nations, His marvellous deeds among all peoples." Psalm 96: 3 (NIV)

To make sure you don't miss out on any breaking news from Barry Church visit our website which is updated daily. Click on 'News' for reports and other information about all the latest happenings within the Church locally, nationally, and worldwide, and scroll through the 'Calendar' page for details of upcoming services, meetings, social events, fundraisers, etc. Choose 'Church Magazine' to view this newsletter online and among the site's other features is a daily Bible verse with an additional option of listening to a reading of the full chapter for that day.

Praise God! Our website continues to grow in popularity, proving a valuable means of outreach to the parish area and beyond. From January 1 to August 10 this year a total of 1,453,777-page views were registered. The figure for the corresponding period last year was 1,260,735. Have YOU joined our online community yet?


Knitting for Others

A big thank you goes to members of our Knitting for Others group, who have excelled themselves during lockdown. Everyone is currently knitting at home in adherence with restrictions, but items have continued to flood in. So much so, in fact, that by the end of July, some 40 blankets, 46 'fish and chip' baby vests, 42 hats and numerous pairs of mitts and booties were packed tightly into four boxes and delivered to the Banana Box Trust depot in Dundee where they are now awaiting shipment to Malawi. Well done ladies, a great effort by you all!

Our previous consignment of knitted goods should have left Dundee in late April, but again due to the Covid-19 restrictions, the container was not dispatched until the beginning of July. However, at the time of writing, it has now been unloaded in Durban, South Africa, and will shortly be transferred to another ship bound for Mozambique from where the container concludes its journey over land to Malawi. In all, the journey usually takes about three months.

Pauline Suttie, group leader, 01241 852614 or 07599 182418


Midweek Focus

After a four-month shutdown due to the coronavirus restrictions, Midweek Focus meetings resumed on July 15 and our study series on the Old Testament book of Esther, begun back in January, was eventually completed on August 26. There will be no meeting on September 2, but the following Week, September 9, we plan to commence a 17-week series on the New Testament book of 1 Peter. Without a doubt, Peter is the best known among Jesus’ original band of disciples. Bold, brash, impetuous, impulsive Peter; quick to speak, strongly opinionated, well-meaning, and fiercely loyal . . . yet altogether human and given to emotional extremes. We cannot help but smile at him, especially as we see ourselves mirrored in his actions and words. As we get better acquainted with the man himself and the first letter he wrote, we shall not only become more familiar with him; we will learn the overall theme of the letter he wrote to the Christians who were scattered and living as aliens in a hostile and hateful world.

A warm welcome awaits all interested in sharing in these times of midweek fellowship. Meetings are held on Wednesdays from 7 to 8.30 pm. Study notes for the current and previous series can be found on the Midweek Focus page of the church website. For further information, including venue details, contact Graham Suttie on 01241 852614 or email






Thank you for all the used stamps received recently.

In 2016 the Church of Scotland World Mission Stamp Appeal is supporting the Church of South India's Othara Eco-Spirituality Centre.

'God created all living and non-living things to coexist in a rhythm and equilibrium, which we often call ecological balance. Ecological disasters befall us when this balance is lost', Bishop Thomas K. Oommen, Deputy Moderator of the Church of South India

The Church of South India (CSI) has recently opened the Othara Eco-spirituality Centre near Thiruvalla in Kerala. It is a place where people can come to learn about climate change and the importance of conserving the earth God has given us.

This year the Stamp Project will support some of their ecological innovations including the harvesting and re-use of rain water, the establishment of a biogas plant to power the kitchens and the development of a small dairy and chicken farm for native breeds.

Through retreats and conferences, CSI hopes that the knowledge people gain at the Centre will inspire them to live sustainably and encourage others in their community to do likewise. They want to encourage people to appreciate and understand that 'caring for the earth is not only a calling, but a lifestyle.'

How to contribute - You can leave your stamps at the Church door and they will be collected.


Guild News

Guild Theme – Companions of the Road         Topic – The Extra Mile


Contact Person: Shirley Murison (01241 410062)

Treasurer: Grace Byars

Committee: Mina Robertson, Mabel Gordon, Sylvia Knowles, Elaine Bottoms, Rosemary Docherty


Unless otherwise stated all meetings start at 2.15pm.


Diary of events not to be missed


Unfortunately, due to the current Covid 19 pandemic all activities have been suspended until further notice



We look forward to seeing you all again soon. and hopefully some new faces as well.












Remembrance Day Prayer

Remember with clear eyes the horrific cost of war.
Remember with deep sorrow those who killed and were killed.
Remember with grief the blood-stained battlefields.
Remember with tears the rending of people from their homes.
Remember with compassion the bereaved and the wounded.
Remember with reverence those who risked their lives for peace.
Remember with tenderness the children’s longing for freedom.
Remember with gratefulness all who forgave their enemies.
Remember with hope the kingdom that is planted with small seeds.
Remember with confidence that faith, hope and love abide.
Remember with joy that our Saviour is the Prince of Peace.

I Went to see the Soldiers

I went to see the soldiers, row on row on row,

 And wondered about each so still, their badges all on show.

What brought them here, what life before

 Was like for each of them?

What made them angry, laugh, or cry,

These soldiers, boys and men.


Some so young, some older still, a bond more close than brothers

These men have earned and shared a love, that's not like any others

They trained as one, they fought as one

They shared their last together

That bond endures, that love is true

 And will be, now and ever.


 I could not know, how could I guess, what choices each had made,

Of how they came to soldiering, what part each one had played?

But here they are and here they'll stay,

Each one silent and in place,

Their headstones line up row on row

They guard this hallowed place.







Coming Up

For all Zoom links contact the Minister

Prayer Meetings Mondays 10 - 11 am via Zoom link

Mon 31st Aug      7.30 pm                Carnoustie Kirk Session

                                                                via Zoom link

Sun 6th Sep          9.30 am                Morning Service in Barry

                                10.30 am              Facebook Live service

Mon 7th Sep      7.30 pm                Mission & Outreach Team

                                                                via Zoom link

Sun 13th Sep       9.30 am                Morning Service in Carnoustie

                                10.30 am              Facebook Live service

Sun 20th Sep       9.30 am                Morning Service in Barry

                                10.30 am              Facebook Live service

Sun 27th Sep       9.30 am                Harvest Service in Carnoustie

                                10.30 am              Facebook Live Harvest service

Tue 29th Sep       7 pm                      Barry Kirk Session

                                                                via Zoom link

The Minister is on holiday 4th to 16th October inclusive

Sun 4th Oct          9.30 am                Morning Service in Barry

                                10.30 am              Internet service

Sun 11th Oct        9.30 am                Morning Service in Carnoustie

                                10.30 am              Internet service

Sun 18th Oct        9.30 am                Morning Service in Barry

                                10.30 am              Facebook Live service

Sun 25th Oct        9.30 am                *Communion Service in Carnoustie

                                10.30 am              Facebook Live service

Mon 26th Oct      7.30 pm                Carnoustie Kirk Session

                                                                via Zoom link

*It is uncertain how we will be able to lead Communion at this time, so keep in touch for details.  Indeed, services may be subject to change as guidelines are adapted in the weeks to come, so all these times and places should be regarded as provisional.

Sun 8th Nov         Remembrance Sunday – details to be arranged





Financial Statement


Balance at 31 December 2019                      £3,345.90

Income                                                               £17,432.32


Expenditure                                                      £19,044.18


Balance at 1 September 2020                       £1,734.04



Many thanks to everyone who have managed to continue with their contributions during these strange times.   Barry Parish Church and the Church of Scotland in general still have commitments to meet and every payment is valued.


Anyone who has not been able to return to church for whatever reason but would still like to contribute or have envelopes to be collected, please contact the treasurer, Malcolm Sim, who will arrange to collect (socially distanced of course).


God bless you all, and together we can see out 2020 on a sound financial footing.

From the Minister’s Desk

‘Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”’

John 14: 27

Dear Friends, since the last edition of the newsletter our Elders and the Church Cleaners have been busy, and we were able to open Barry Parish Church for worship on Sunday 9th August.  It is not what we have been used to – everyone must be physically distanced with 2 metres between us all, so the Church can only hold a maximum of 24 people for a service, and often not even that many.

We have agreed to alternate services Sunday by Sunday at 9.30 am with Carnoustie Church and they last just over half an hour.  Currently we are not able to sing hymns, but we have recorded music to help lift our hearts in praise.  Following Sunday morning service in one of the Church buildings I return to the Manse to continue leading the 10.30 am Facebook Live services that many have found helpful in these past months.

Our Facebook Live services continue to be available from the congregational websites, so people without a Facebook account can access them; thanks to Claire Penman’s labours we are now able to offer DVD recordings for those without internet access – please get in touch via your Elder or myself if you would like these.

We cannot be sure how long this will last.  With recent outbreaks in Aberdeen and associated with the Coupar Angus chicken factory and schools in Dundee, the virus is not going to disappear quickly from our lives.  We can expect that restrictions will continue in some form well into next year, although there may be variations in what is permitted as the months roll on.

This makes it hard to plan for Harvest, Communion, Remembrance and particularly for Advent and Christmas.  The world is changing, and that means we will also have to adapt our practices to shape our mission and worship together for the future.

Yet many Christians have faced such difficulties – and worse – in distant lands or in different times.  Persecution means that our brothers and sisters have been imprisoned, injured, or even killed for the sake of the Name of Jesus.  In some places following our Lord is costly and challenging.  We too will have to seek the strength that Jesus offers us as we walk together into all that




lies in front of us. Although the May General Assembly was cancelled, Rev Dr Martin Fair was duly installed as Moderator for the year, and this has been a great blessing to the Church.  Martin has provided much support to Ministers – not least in supplying recorded services to let us get a couple of weeks off during the summer.  Rhona and I were pleased to get three nights in the Cairngorms and another four on a campsite in Yorkshire.

Martin has also been encouraging us to pray.  A particular blessing has been the Week of Prayer held in the middle of August, with online morning prayers and evening Zoom group prayers each day.  Around 250 Ministers, Elders and Church Members joined each evening.

Towards the end of the week Martin and two of his friends travelled to the four Munros at the furthest North, West, South and East, to pray for our land.  I was delighted to be able to join Martin, Gregor, and Richard on the final ascent up Mount Keen, and to share the sausages on the top with the prayers we offered for Scotland.

And Martin will have the opportunity of chairing a General Assembly – a mini-Assembly is planned for Friday evening and Saturday during the day of 2nd and 3rd October.  This will be something of a marathon Zoom conference as we discuss many of the challenges facing the Kirk in these times.

A changing world, a changing Church, but an unchanging Saviour to hold us firm and lead us on into the future!

Yours in the Grace and Peace of our Risen Lord Jesus Christ.

Mike Goss









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