Barry Parish Church

4th May 2023

May "Take 5"


Welcome to the May 2023 edition of 'Take 5'


Could you take five minutes today to pray for the world of sport? It’s as easy as watching this video, listening to the prayer points and pausing to pray as the video encourages!    


In this edition of 'Take 5,' we are praying for:


*    The creation of digital resources that equip and encourage the Christian sportsperson and gives them tools to share Jesus with their teammates.

*    God to be at work in the hearts of the young people who attended Sheffield Sports Plus Xtra,  and for the future use of this model to reach a new demographic of young sportspeople.

*    Continued financial provision and God's wisdom as we look to be good stewards of the gifts we receive.

*    Sports quizzes happening across the UK in the coming weeks, where many sportspeople would hear and respond to the good news.

*    Those involved in professional football who face uncertainty at the end of the season and that an upcoming gathering on the 17th of June might be an encouragement to those who come.


Watch the video <> above to pray with us, and why not pass it on to your friends or your church?




P.s. Join us in June at our online prayer gathering!



On Monday 19th June, we'd love you to join us to pray for the world of sport at one of three prayer gatherings happening across the day.


Register online <>  and we will send you a link in advance to join. See you there! 






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