Barry Parish Church

30th March 2023

How A Footballer Came To Know Jesus


At Christians in Sport our vision is to reach the world of sport for Christ. Here is a brilliant story of how a young footballer called Dougie came to follow Jesus for himself:    


"We used to train every Tuesday and Thursday. We went out after training one Tuesday night and for some reason, at about 2 am, I asked my mate Campbell if I could go to church with him the following Sunday.


And you know what? He had the courage to tell me the truth about Jesus and it changed everything.


Campbell said to me 'It's not about church. My church is just me my brother and a friend the rest are quite old! It's all about Jesus and what he's done.' And that truth changed everything.


So I went to church with him and it wasn't straightforward but in the next few months I committed my life to following Jesus.



If it wasn't for God's work through Campbell in my football club I don't know how I'd have come to follow Jesus.



I steadily grew in my faith, got involved with a Christians in Sport group at University. They were really patient, gracious and they loved me. I began to see what it was like to actually live for Jesus both on and off the field through being discipled by various guys at Christians in Sport.


They began to show me a different way to play: how to play in a way that honored God and then actually having the courage to share the good news of who Jesus is."


Dougie is one of 9 million people that play in clubs and teams every week, and the reality is that very few of these sportspeople follow Jesus.


Our vision is to give every sportsperson the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus.


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P.S. You can watch more stories like Dougie's by clicking here. <>     

Christians in Sport is a movement of competitors, coaches and officials.

We exist to reach the world of sport for Jesus.     

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