Sunday, 30th July
FIFA Women’s Football World Cup
As the Women’s World Cup group stages continue, pray that Christian players and coaches will know their identity is secure in Christ as they compete. Give thanks for Rosie Woodbridge’s recent blog on the women’s world cup and pray it would be an encouragement to all who read it.
Monday, 31st July
Sports Plus Belfast
Pray for Sports Plus Belfast 1 this week. Pray, as young people and leaders hear gospel truth, that all would respond to King Jesus and put their trust in Him. Pray that leaders would trust in God’s sovereign rule and take opportunities to share the Good News with young people this summer.
Tuesday, 1st August
Elite Cricket
As The Hundred starts today, pray for God to raise up more Christians in elite cricket where we only know of and support a small number. Give thanks for Bertie Kennedy, a top-level cricket performance analyst, as he shared his experience of living as a Christian within elite cricket on our most recent podcast.
Wednesday, 2nd August
Sports Plus Monkton
Pray for Sports Plus Monkton 1 this week. Pray that young people and coaches would develop good relationships as the week goes on and that young people would enjoy the training programmes, develop in their sport, and play as worship to God. Pray for great fun and enjoyment of God’s good gifts during Team Challenge each day.
Thursday, 3rd August
Sports Plus Brecon
Pray for Sports Plus Brecon this week. Pray that the teaching programme in Luke in the Evening Meetings and Colossians in the Morning Meetings would be faithful, understood and applied by every young person.
Friday, 4th August
Sports Plus Safeguarding
Pray for everyone involved Sports Plus over the summer, for their health and safety and for no major illness or injuries. Pray for the safeguarding of young people – that every leader would be wise in the way they act towards each young person.
Saturday, 5th August
Sports Plus
Give thanks for the three Sports Plus camps that finish today in Belfast, Brecon and Monkton. Pray that leaders and young people would leave the week feeling encouraged to live and speak for Jesus in their own world of sport.