Sunday, 21st May
Mental Health Awareness Week
As Mental Health Awareness Week finishes today, give thanks to God for Rosie Woodbridge who shared her story of battling an eating disorder on the Christians in Sport Podcast this week. Pray the podcast would be a helpful resource for sportspeople facing, or supporting others, with an eating disorder.
Monday, 22nd May
Perth Network Gathering
Pray for the Perth local network gathering this evening. Pray that the gathering would encourage local Christian sportspeople as they gather to pray and together look to share the good news of Jesus with their sports friends.
Tuesday, 23rd May
Elite tennis
As the qualifying rounds of the French Open are played this week, pray for the group of Christian elite female tennis players we support. Pray that they would find time to read the Bible together and that they might have opportunity to invite other players to join them during the tournament.
Wednesday, 24th May
Young Performance Athletes (YPAs)
Pray for YPAs who are currently taking GCSE exams. Pray they would not feel overwhelmed as they continue training alongside studying, and that they would know God’s peace. Pray for wisdom for YPA parents as they support their children during this period.
Thursday, 25th May
The Sports Quiz
Pray for the Sports Quiz run by the Troon local network this evening. Pray that Christian sportspeople would be bold in inviting their friends to come and hear the good news of Jesus at these events.
Friday, 26th May
Pray that Christian sportspeople would be able to challenge and report safeguarding concerns if faced with incidents of abuse or poor practice. Pray God would enable Christians who serve as safeguarding leads or volunteers in sports clubs at every level to do their jobs diligently and courageously.
Saturday, 27th May
Prayer Gathering
Praise God for the opportunity for sportspeople to meet online on Monday 19th June to pray for the world of sport together. Pray that the gatherings would encourage Christian sportspeople as they seek to live and speak for Christ in their world of sport.