Whenever anyone turns to the Lord the veil is taken away... and we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
2 Corinthians 3:16-18
We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.
2 Corinthians 5:20
Prayer Points
Spend time with God today: as a servant with his master, as a child with its father as a wife with her husband. Be still in his presence.
Pray for your church this Sunday for many in the congregation to know the presence of God in a new way.
Pray that as individuals and as churches we would reflect the TRUE nature of Christ to the world.
Since the Fall, mankind has made countless of erroneous attempts to know God. We have worshipped everything from the sun, moon and stars to rocks, snakes, owls, bulls, lizards, celebrities, grotesque carved images and lumps of wood.
However, when God wanted to reveal himself, he sent Jesus, the exact representation of his being. Jesus wasn’t just pretty close to what God is like, or the best available thing, he was and IS God. Everything God is, Christ is.
Christ was God’s ambassador, coming into the world to reconcile people to God. Now that same ministry of reconciliation has been give to us, and just as Jesus reflected God, so we are to reflect Christ and be his representatives on earth. What ME? HOW?
How did Moses radiate God’s glory? He spent time in God’s presence, so much so that his face shone. When we gaze on Christ with unveiled faces we reflect Jesus back into the world. The dark, lifeless moon has no light of its own, but reflects the powerful light of the sun. Yet that comparison falls short, for we are actually being changed into the likeness of Christ. The moon will never become a ball of fire, but we will become just like him. He calls us brothers and sisters.
Spend time with God as Moses did, speaking to him face to face as you speak with a friend. Then when you go out into the world hold your head up believing that you do indeed reflect the glory of Christ on your face, and in your transformed character.
* Pray for your ‘big issue’
* Pray for your ‘three friends’
* Pray for a new wave of revival.