Barry Parish Church

6th December 2022

Sanctuary Foundation Advent Devotional Day 6


Whenever I take the Christmas boxes out of the loft, I always find myself faced with a heap of crushed Christmas cards, a smashed bauble or two, and a tangle of fairy lights. Before I can start with the decorating, I have to deal with the mess. If only I had been better prepared.




The first Christmas story begins with a huge mess to sort out.




“Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit.”




You might not see it in your average nativity play, but the Christmas story starts with a tangle of harrowing human drama: suspicion, divorce, adultery, a death sentence, shame, disgrace, poverty, exclusion.




God chose to take sanctuary in Mary’s womb not because she was perfectly placed, but because she was just like us - stuck in a whirlwind of chaos and trauma. God wanted to show the world that he could take that mess and make something extraordinary happen.




Whatever mess our homes and our lives are in, are we willing to open the door and let people see how God makes extraordinary things happen?



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Thank you



Krish Kandiah

Director, Sanctuary Foundation



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Thank you for joining us on this Season of Sanctuary Advent Journey looking at the themes of welcome and hospitality that lie at the heart of the Christmas story. As you prepare your hearts and homes for Christmas, please consider opening doors of hope for those around you. For more inspiration and information please visit

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