Advent Day 27: Lochinver Primary School presents their Nativity service
Rev Iain MacLeod, the minister of Assynt and Stoer Parish Church, has been working with Primary 7s from Lochinver Primary School to produce a brand new Nativity production on the theme of ‘Prepare The Way For The Lord' using funding from the Church of Scotland's Small Grants Fund.
The Lochinver P7 pupils staged the production themselves with support from Rev Iain MacLeod and members of his congregation.
"The Nativity drama consists of six scenes and the script was written by two folk in my congregation, Chris and Lay Hoon Knox, and myself," Rev Iain MacLeod said.
"Some time ago I met with P7 pupils from Lochinver Primary School to show them the filming equipment and get them familiar with it all. We have two video cameras, lighting, backdrops and sound equipment and we already had editing software.
"The filming equipment was supplied using funding from the Church of Scotland's Small Grants Fund to help us develop several community projects like this one.
"We are so grateful to the Fund for allowing us to stage Lochinver Primary School's Christmas Drama. The pupils in the school have been so enthusiastic and have embraced the challenges of film production like pros.
"The filming took place within the local community and we hope the final production will bring much joy to the whole community in Assynt in much the same way as the message of the angels brought tidings of great joy to the shepherds.
Colin Masterton, the Head Teacher of Lochinver Primary School, is delighted with the production.
"This has been a great learning experience for all the children involved," he said.
"The use of the technology required to produce the Nativity has given them both an insight into the world of work in the media, but also refreshed their knowledge of the Christmas story.
"I feel the link to a more modern context has helped make it more relevant to the pupils as well.
"Digital media seems to have become part of Christmas now, since the restrictions of the last few years and it is good to be able to use this learning for another purpose now."
The Church of Scotland's Small Grants Fund, which reopens for applications in April 2023, provides grants for short-term project funding of between three and 12 months.
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